3S-FE OR 3S-GE? Toyota Caldina

goraz, May 18, 12:40am
Hi can anyone tell me what engine this car has! Listing #: 374670981

jasongroves, May 18, 12:42am

bubbles52, May 18, 12:42am
3sfe, others have the 3sge beams engine

goraz, May 18, 12:43am
Good engines! Any known faults!

bubbles52, May 18, 12:44am
good engines, my corona has the same engine before i sold it at 420,000kms

goraz, May 18, 12:46am
I found some info it appears the 3sge Caldina never came in manual!

jasongroves, May 18, 12:47am
Correct. Only 7AFE, 3SFE & 3SGTE had a manual behind them from factory.

goraz, May 18, 12:48am
Thanks guys big help

_peas, May 18, 12:59am
Worth noting that most manuals are 4WD and with the exception of the GT-T's you seem to notice it in terms of performance.A friends ST19X series 3S-FE 2WD goes much better than his wifes ST21X 3S-FE 4WD. both auto.The GT does have some get up and go but the 1.8 is best left to the people who believe in false economy.They are pretty gutless and to get anything out of them will return pretty poor economy.

_peas, Mar 4, 10:03am
I was looking at that one myself!The thing that turned me off was the km done and the prick of a job that replacing a clutch in these 4WD's is.They have a reputation.Just got my GT today.