Wof question. Can you get your warrant early and get it for slightly longer ie if i have 3 weeks left on my wof can i get a new

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jcs4, Apr 30, 6:20pm
can you get your warrant early and get it for slightly longer (ie if I have 3 weeks left on my wof, can I get a new one now and get 6months and 3 weeks on it!) if so what is the max you can do this for

rod525, Apr 30, 6:22pm
14 days.

johnf_456, Apr 30, 6:34pm
2 weeks before hand

rod525, Apr 30, 7:30pm
Sorry, I thought it was 14 days - silly me.

johnf_456, Apr 30, 7:32pm
Point is! Two weeks is 14. Am I not allowed to answer.

rod525, Apr 30, 7:36pm
No you definetly can't. 12 minutes later - the answer is still the same.

johnf_456, Apr 30, 7:38pm
Tough I am allowed to back up a statement.

rod525, Apr 30, 7:39pm
Can you hear that echo!

flybye_in_a_rx7, Apr 30, 8:03pm

johnf_456, Apr 30, 8:48pm
Why does it matter same value could say 336hours

flybye_in_a_rx7, Apr 30, 9:03pm
who said it matters. apart from rod

petemun, May 1, 12:27am
cant believe no ones answered this yet. Its 14 days

jono2912, May 1, 12:29am

14 days.

xacoon, May 1, 12:35am
yep but it usually sounds like +1 +1 +1 +1.

johnf_456, May 1, 12:44am
Could be any one of those jono.

jono2912, May 1, 12:47am

carmedic, May 1, 12:47am

neo_psy, May 1, 1:01am
I think it's a week and seven days, max.

johnf_456, May 1, 1:03am
add that to

jono2912, May 1, 1:05am
20 160 minutes

1 209 600 seconds

lugee, May 1, 1:33am
I think you'll find its 1209600000 milliseconds

alimac1, May 1, 2:06am
0.03856164385616 of a year

jmma, May 1, 2:12am
Might as well wait till its due, from all the answers, I cant tell if its 14 days or a fortnight or even a couple of weeks (o:

tcos, May 1, 4:07am
You just. cant.

40wav, May 1, 4:14am
It's 2 weeks, or 14 days.whichever comes first.