RUC charges and speedo doing minus 10% refund?

domaine, Apr 27, 3:18am
both my diesels have speedos that record between 7 and 10 % below the speed limit recorded when driving past one of the speed checkers, When speedo says 56kph the LCD display record 48/ 49so is my odometer also recording more ks than i actually complete and if so, how do i get a refund of 4c per kilometer that i havent travelled but paid for!

carmedic, Apr 27, 3:21am
Good luck with that one!

pandai, Apr 27, 3:22am
Have you tested the odometer separately!You might find that the needle is optimistic but the odometer is accurate.

scoobeey, Apr 27, 3:23am
You Win Tonights Wally award lol

jsbike, Apr 27, 4:16am
if its a cable driven speedo, the odo is likely to give the true distance traveled even if the speedo is out 10% as long as tires/rims are the same size as the vehicle is supposed to have. If the speedo uses a sensor/pulse to work out speed, and the speedo is out, the odo MAY be out too. Easiest way to figure out what speedo drive you have is to drive in reverse, if the speedo works in reverse, it will have a sensor to work out speed.

thejazzpianoma, Apr 27, 4:25am
Most modern speedometers are set to do this to avoid legal liability issues when people get speeding tickets. Its raises an interesting point.
Please update and let us know if the Odometer is also out if you get to check it.

crzyhrse, Apr 27, 4:45am
Just because the speedometer reads fast (as they generally do) doesn't mean the odometer does.

ml6989, Apr 27, 4:47am
My KZJ95 Prado is out on the speedo, when it shows 110kph it is only travelling at 102 kph. However the odomoter is reasonably accurate, over a 500km trip it is out by 3km in their favour so not worth getting excited about. These figures are only as accurate as my GPS that I checked it with.

intrade, Apr 27, 2:16pm
yup just make sure you dont overdo it greeady people get caught others wont remember that.

franko171, Apr 27, 3:50pm
the speed always say my speedo wrong but navman says thy wrong

jandah, Apr 27, 10:45pm
Well i have been here and done that, I posted this last year and people just laughed and joked and all sorts of shit comments.
My speedo was reading 8-9ks over, When i purchased the truck brand new I asked the service manager about the odometer and he said it will not read inaccurately. However I tested this on a trip with my GPSThe odo read 400ks and GPS 380ks.Tested again with a 2nd GPS and same result. Doesntsound much but - That is 50ks/1000ks lost! currently 50,000ks on odo. which equals 2500ks I would have paid for but not traveled,
Anyway, went back to service manager,,he spoke to Vehicle Manufacturer and they removed my instrument panel then sent it to Auckland, They then recalibrated my speedo ( now reads 1-2k over) and here is the best part - my digital odo read 42500ks(at the time i discovered this last year) and returned reading 40,000ks!
The Service manager could not believe they could resetdigital clocks!
I passed this info onto my Rural Post mate who does 15000ks per month (same truck and dealer) he got same deal as me and has saved heaps on RUC, He was on 86000ks at the time. You do the math.
So my advice is- if you are under warranty get them to calibrate your speedo now!
If you can afford lost revenue, good on ya! it all adds up!

Good luck

rugbyreff, Apr 27, 10:55pm
You don't even need a gps. If your smartphone has gps there will be an app that can sort that out for you. I have an app on my iPhone for exactly that, and it's real handy over the Easter period when the cops are out in force

hamishcookie, Apr 27, 11:23pm
Doesn't gps only work things out over a straight line though! eg if your going up or down a hill your wheels are traveling over more tarmac than the GPS can tell! 3 4 5 triangle the GPS only sees the 4 when you have actually traveled the 5.

matthew111, Apr 27, 11:39pm
yeah right!

fordcrzy, Apr 28, 12:39am
ford rangers have a HOPELESLY inaccurate speedo and indicates about 10% fast. imagine all that ruc that the GOVT are getting out of them.

petermcg, Apr 28, 1:01am
If your speedo is reading the way you say it is you dont get a refund it is the other way fella, you are ripping us all of as tax payers.

trouser, Apr 28, 2:11am
Some are very easy to do via the obd port. Some require a chip removed and flashed. Very common practice done to cars imported from Singapore I hear.

jandah, Dec 21, 2:49am
No I am not ripping tax payer off, I am back in the red again as the original 2500ks wiped puts me square @ 50000ks. However @ 1-2ks error currently i am happy with that as 1000ks will be 5-10k unused but paid for! I am only small fry when it come to dollars. My postie mate has noticed a significant increase in revenue! Its simple math people.
Like I said "if you can afford the loss good on you".

Think about the diesels on the road 24/7 keeping our country going but losing dollars to RUC