You mean sidelights! That's what they're there for, as opposed to the assorted dipsh!ts that drive around with their fog-lights on. unless you're talking about at night with no headlights, in which case they are probably deluded that they look bad-ass.
Dec 18, 12:19am
Do you know the difference between park and headlights! I suppose you are one of those people who drive around at night with your parkers on because you dash lights up! Why not just turn your headlights on if you want to be seen, or are you trying to save power! lol
Dec 18, 12:19am
probably pissed and did not notice that they only switched on park not low beam. most cars have a twiston switch first setting is park light secound is normal light. having said this it has happened to me in europe also when there is enough light from towns street light you sortofdont notice the light is only on park as the dashboard light is on already.
Dec 18, 12:21am
Well why not use the park lights for when your car is parked and headlights for when you are driving! Why people turn just their park lights on for beats me.
Dec 18, 12:33am
tell me about it - try driving in Waikato fog - one car in three will have headlights on, one in three park [yes, *park*] lights, one in three no lights.
Dec 18, 12:34am
and the one in three using park lights surely must believe they are visible to others . even though surely they can see other such idiots are not visible to them!
Dec 18, 12:59am
better than no lights
Dec 18, 1:06am
Park lights on by themselves while driving in the dark or in low light conditions is illegal, why the hell are they called park or marker lights for .eh! Use headlights always in low light conditions, I mostly use headlights during daylight hours, it's amazing some folks don't realise you are there until they catch a "flash or glint" of your headlights. It's also nice to know there is traffic coming towards you that you are made aware of .some distance away. I have em on to be seen --not what some idiots say --only so that you can see where you are going, but that comes into play when it's dark of course. Moral .I prefer to be seen at all much as possible.
Dec 18, 1:14am
Not really. It gives people a false sense of security that they can be seen.
Dec 18, 5:49am
Stuff all better, you'd be hard pressed to see park lights in drizzly weather, heck I often see vehicles at the last minute with no lights on at all in drizzle or foggy conditions, they just appear from nowhere.FOOLS , seems they go by the no tomorrow syndrome, me thinks.Besides some park lights are so damn dim you can hardly even call em park lights at all.
Dec 18, 12:43pm
! as I said in my post - in fog etc - they do F-all to assist people to see you.
Dec 18, 12:52pm
haha reminds me- Coming over the Kaimais the other weekend, it was really foggy over the summit.visibility was crap, you could only see till about the next road marker. Someone in a Range Rover.a grey Range Rover no less (i.e a nice foggy colour) screams past with no lights on.why is it always the people in road/fog/rain coloured cars that seem to be the ones that don't use their lights in poor vis conditions!
Dec 18, 1:14pm
I am taking the p*ss as it really annoys me too. Cheers
Dec 18, 2:31pm
Typical Dorklanders that drive Subaroos that have thier lights on for no reason other than they are tossers
Dec 18, 6:49pm
Suggest you eat your own words there, Subaru's with their lights on for no reason .I don't think so. It's other makes too, good on em I say. At least they can be seen and seen way early .letting oncoming traffic know they are there coming towards you! Fore warned is fore armed in my book, but if you just want to drive out there guessing then you'll possibly end up being a statistic.
Dec 18, 6:53pm
With a comment like that, it only remains to say that it takes one to know one .right.
Dec 18, 10:21pm
I think he means the dipsh!ts with their fog lights on - often the big "spot" looking type installed in Suby bumpers, not that any brand is worse I think. Nobody's bothered about side or head-lights.
Dec 19, 1:03am
Agreed about fog lights, like the park lamps ( for parking) fog lamps (for foggy or drizzly) conditions. Not all Subies have those "big fog lamps" on em though. More often than not you do see some morons in 4WD vehicles with those lights and have them on when there is no need, actually they are endangering themselves as well as the oncoming drivers that stand a high chance of being dazzled.
Dec 19, 1:10am
# 1 - Immigrants. In some countries they almost shoot you if driving with headlights on in streets with lights.
Dec 19, 3:28am
I have noticed a large number of vehicles only have one headlight working. Also see a lot of brake lights out as well. Why is this!
If you are refering to Aucklanders, motorists in other hick towns also drive with their lights on in daylight hours. Motorbikes are required to, so if a motorist feels safer doing the same let them go for it. Park lights on the other hand give the clue as to when they should be used from the name they are known by.
Dec 19, 11:17am
Hydraline you are correct! Why do people from Auckland have headlights on for no reason. Yes tossers they are WANKERS!
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