Full service cost $180

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scotthurst01, Apr 19, 9:11pm
Wouldn't most places have "Full Service "FROM" $180"

As it'd cost considerably more to get a V8 done over a little 1.3litre 4 cylinder.

mecanix, Apr 19, 9:31pm
too many mechanics are not transperant enough with their advertising.

matthew111, Apr 19, 10:21pm
ask your garage

elect70, Apr 20, 2:24am
Jeez times are toughlastquote i got for a screw was $60in the back seat .

bjmh, Apr 20, 9:06pm
I'm one of the cheeky garages,apart from paying to get my old oil filters collected.the latest scam fromthe local council is called a "Trade waste discharge consent" my answer everything is recycled,so therefore no trade waste,their reply "this is for stormwater and sewage that comes from your business.this consent has cost me roughly $400.PLUS $180 per year,they have said.just pass on the costs to your customers.If i charged $180 it would include everything.

mopsy3, Apr 20, 9:19pm
so what you are saying is that although you dont like paying $10 for miscellaneous you would be happy to pay $10 more per hour! I'm sure the garage would happily charge you $10 per hour to, you should let them know.

anr, Nov 23, 9:41am
Sounds pretty good to me. My base service on my audi at archibalds costs about $650 but includes lots of stuff not just a service = oil change and a look