Just a thought, but could CLR do any damage if used to flush out a cooling system.! (I haven't done it, I was just curious.)
(CLR - Calcium Lime Rust)
Apr 18, 3:23am
depends on how nice it is to rubber stuff. You run the risk of damaging rubber seals that were already on their way out and causing leaks. Sometimes gunk is holding the water in.
Why do you think your cooling system needs such drastic treatment!
Apr 18, 3:30am
Rust and scale.
Normal flush treatment did bugger all, looking for more options rather than pulling the whole thing apart.
Apr 18, 3:36am
Only a look at a tech data sheet for the product is going to determine if you should use it or not, with respect to whether it attacks rubber or not.If it doesn't say it on the label of course.The dissolving of large quantities of rust is probably going to clog the radiator tubes up anyway, there is going to be no escaping getting it rodded out properly in the finish.
Apr 18, 3:38am
you could run without a radiator, just use a bucket and some longer hoses. Remove thermostat too if possible. This may not be possible depending on the vehicle and how it is set up.
Nov 14, 11:50am
Could be well worth the experiment on something thats about to be rehashed anyway
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