Air in cooling system

leanne_6, Jan 23, 10:20pm
my car has air in the cooling system, i have noticed that the coolant header tank has a hairline crack, when the system is under pressure it leaks out the crack, should i be looking for any other cause or just replace header tank and cap!

leanne_6, Jan 23, 10:27pm
car is a holden vectra 2.0 2000 manual

jmma, Jan 23, 10:27pm
Is the car overheating at all, better to replace radiator.
What is the make model etc!

pfemstn, Jan 23, 10:36pm
vectraknownfor headgasket problems would pay to get it checked out properly

leanne_6, Jan 23, 10:36pm
seems slightly hotter than usual but not overheating, car is holden vectra 2000, tank would be about 13 years old, and is discoloured around the crack, tank has the crusty white from where the coolant has been leaking

leanne_6, Jan 23, 10:36pm
sniff test!

lugee, Jan 23, 10:50pm
Its probable that air is being sucked in through the crack when the engine cools and pressure drops. May as well get the tank replaced and go from there, need to anyway.

leanne_6, Jan 23, 11:00pm
how much is a test for gasses in the coolant usually!

leanne_6, Jan 23, 11:08pm
ok just rang a garage will get it tested, thanks

mugenb20b, Jan 23, 11:53pm
SFA. 5 minutes labour.