Car stereo. Hey trademe i have bought a car but it comes with a stereo tape when i turn it on it has a high pitch tone am i able
Apr 2, 3:32am
Hey TradeMe, I have bought a car, but it comes with a stereo (tape) when I turn it on it has a high pitch tone, am I able to replace this with a CD player! Is it easy to do! Thank
Apr 2, 3:34am
Depends on the car.If its older (say 90s or earlier) its probably fairly easy, if its newer it might be nigh on impossible without expensive bits and pieces
Apr 2, 3:34am
yes you can replace it with a CD player. Yes it is easy to do if you know what you are doing, otherwise pay someone to install it. What sort of car is it!
Apr 2, 3:35am
it a 1996, so if i go to repco and say buy a cd player would i take it somewhere to have it installed!
Apr 2, 3:36am
its a 1996 3DR Nissan Pulsar Hatch
Apr 2, 9:00am
it's a shame u in north shore, if u in welly i could lend u a hand as i had the same car and did my own complete install with subs and amp. very easy to work on those pulsars.
Apr 2, 9:01am
mine was a 96 3dr hatch too by the way.
Apr 2, 2:33pm
you dont even have to know what your doing these days, just unscrew the stereo mounts, buy a new headunit and as repco for the adapters from nissan to brand of headunit. connect the plugs and screw in new unit. takes 10 minutes max
Apr 3, 2:52am
thanks for that, would it be best to buy a new stereo and speakers then say from super cheap auto!
Apr 3, 6:37am
try price matching policies to wrk against each other.
Sep 25, 8:15am
This is good advice however it is always possible that someone has had an after market head unit in there and just cut the plugs off which means joining wires
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