OMG HA HA $200 Test Drive

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pollymay, Mar 21, 4:02am
No gas in it, worth nothing and wants $200 per test drive. Been sitting for a while to. That grass is gunna get a lot longer.

phillip.weston, Mar 21, 4:11am
something tells me that is going to be for sale for a looong looong time. There's a near immaculate 125k kms example being sold here in Hamilton at a local dismantler for $5500 - I know which one I would rather take!

johnf_456, Mar 21, 4:14am
He obviously does not want to sell the car then.

morrisman1, Mar 21, 4:18am
thats the most ridiculous auction I've seen in a long time! Obviously has no plans on selling that car. Its a POS any intelligent person wouldnt pay more than $2000 for.

Its weird that he wants money for a test drive and then makes you put gas in it too

sd8888, Mar 21, 4:20am
bahahaha what a joke.

rjgmjs, Mar 21, 4:25am
"Some mother's do ave em"

mrfxit, Mar 21, 4:25am

johnf_456, Mar 21, 4:25am
He will learn when he still has the car months down the track.

monaro_xxx, Mar 21, 4:58am
he is in for some big disappointment!

franc123, Mar 21, 5:02am
Oh well, better not waste the mans time then and move on.Did anyone else notice that whoever buys it is going to have to provide their own sunroof!The guy is seriously taking the piss, its a 14yo 200K Galant FFS, and not a good one at that.

vida1, Mar 21, 6:21am
get a load of this one294641565

icemans1, Mar 21, 7:07am
so which one of you lot is gonna text him and wind him up!

whqqsh, Mar 21, 11:42am
AND has removed the sunroof, looks like the grass will be growing inside as well as under it. yet another noob with a POS trying to make himself sound like 'the Man'. if he paid me $200 I might drive it away for him. then again, NAH!, I wouldnt cheapen my standards

stevo2, Mar 21, 12:05pm
Now I've seen it all, hahaha
cheers Stevo

ct9a, Mar 21, 2:59pm
just needs one test driver then he gets gas and can fix sunroof win win

tgray, Mar 21, 3:22pm
In years of searching trademe, this is the craziest ad I have ever seen - period.
He says you have to be 100% sure you want to buy it BEFORE contacting him - how can you be from looking at 1 fuzzy photo and not even a reg plate to check it out first!
He admits exterior is a mess - if the SELLER says this, it must be completely trashed.
Ridiculously overpriced - immaculate ones with much less K's are thousands less.
$200 per test drive - NO ONE will ever agree to that!
YOU pay the gas to test drive (shouldn't he at least 'shout' you the gas considering you have just paid him $200 to test drive!)
I would like to think it's a p___ take, but the sad thing is, it's not.
What a completely bizzare ad.

alibobo, Mar 21, 4:48pm
lmfao havnt seen this before. what a muppet

berg, Mar 21, 6:47pm
Somebody most definitely has their hand on it.
What a winner

horsygirl, Mar 21, 10:14pm
but it owes me.

danni_2254, Mar 21, 10:19pm
Hahah !

mcscottwgtn, Mar 21, 10:35pm
It probably has $16,000 odd of financing on it.
Maybe the poster has had a bad experience of test drivers running amuck in their motor.
All a bit ott.

richynuts, Mar 21, 11:37pm
guys like that don't learn.ever

bazza19g, Mar 22, 1:55am
what a mean thing to do.just joined & done lol

tgray, Mar 22, 2:51am
And to top it all off, no REG and no WOF and a whole in the roof where the sunroof used to be.

p_rock, Mar 22, 2:55am
Plus battery's dead, lol.