Hi all, my wife has a 95 EXIV TRG (Corona) The buttons on the key remote are shagged.
You can actually remove the rubber sleeve that the buttons are molded on to, so I tried the local wreckers for another key with no luck. Chances are the buttons will be shagged on a similar aged remote anyway.
Just wondering if anyone has any ideas around this problem other than fitting a new ignition and remote locking system.
Feb 3, 3:32am
You can insert the key in the door lock to unlock it.
Feb 3, 3:57am
Yes, but it would be good to have remote locking again ;-)
Feb 3, 5:05am
locksmiths have them and can code the keys to match.
Feb 3, 5:05am
or pretend its lost and claim insurance. lol
Feb 3, 5:32am
I got a new key cut for my Daimante recently and was given a Toyota key. Apparently they use the same keys.
Feb 3, 5:54am
yeah they have a die cutter which they just type in a code and presto. done.
Feb 3, 2:41pm
search trade me- you can actually buy replacement ones where you just put the internals of the old one into the new one- approx $30 from memory- i did it for my camry
Feb 3, 6:25pm
Hi, it's not the key that is the fault it is the rubber internal remote buttons :-)
Feb 3, 6:25pm
Hmmm tempting ;-)
Feb 3, 6:28pm
As above, it is the internals that are worn ie the rubber lock buttons. I tried sticking 2 small dobs of 'Needit' to the rubber internal sleeve where the buttons have worn off, as Needit sets like a rock, but as I feared it's not a glue, so that failed :-/
Feb 4, 12:35am
other option is to buy a new central remote locking kit, or fit an alarm. alarm could be done for 2- 3 hundred, kit maybe 150 with labour
Feb 4, 1:03am
Try Mr Minit Key Cutters they do new ones for lots of cars
Feb 4, 1:52am
The kit sounds like a good option, I'll check them out, thanks.
Feb 4, 1:53am
New internals for a 1995 imported car !
Feb 4, 2:25am
where abouts are you i could suggest you someone.
Feb 4, 5:31am
Never know until you try.
Feb 7, 1:20am
Go to toyota for a new remote. If they dont have it in stock they can get it in for you. Daughter had problems with her toyota remote, got a new one from toyota cost $70.00. Some remotes need to be coded in with the key, some toyotas have a small box in the glovebox which the remote fits into to recode it.
Feb 7, 8:28pm
Hi, The local Toyota dealer has told me they do not deal in with imports.
And if they did you would be looking at emptying you bank account to them, we all know that ;-)
There is nothing wrong with the code of the key. It is the rubber buttons that are worn off.
Feb 7, 9:15pm
Isnt your just a one button key remote with the button on the side! Contact me through one of my listings, I should be able to help.
Feb 8, 12:59am
Hi, it's a 2 button remote. My latest attempt (this afternoon) was to spread some marine silicone I had under the key housing so that when you put it together it squeezed out through the button holes to create new buttons which adhere to the worn rubber underneath. If it works when it hardens, but wears off then I'll try some harder compound like shoe goo.
And if that doesn't work I'll throw the remote in the river and use the key :-D
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