Im looking at buying a classic car and was wondering if anyone has been in this situation where you have a classic car that by law does not require rear belts but you have kids which also by law must be restrained. We always put safety first and dont move the car until everyone has their belts on so would definitely have them retro-fitted (before you bleaters start calling me a bad parent for buying something with no rear belts coz Im trying to flout the rules blah-blah). A workmate had a big debate with a cop on the side of the road one day because the cop said "your kids were not wearing belts" and the mate said "but my car doesnt have them" Whos right! I just want to see if anyone knows what the deal is with this catch 22 situation, have you been pulled over and done for it! Do they need to change the rules!
Feb 4, 2:11pm
be prepared to fork out a pocket full of cash for the belts as there can be a fair bit involved in fitting these and getting a cert.
Feb 4, 2:22pm
Yeah figured that. If your going to spend a bit on a good classic that you intend to keep for a while than you can spend a bit more on getting the belts done, your kids lives are worth it. As I said, safety first (even if the cars top speed is only 30kph lol).
Feb 4, 2:27pm
Check the rules first, there ARE exemptions, it all depends on the vehicle and the ages of the kids.
Hey thanks for the link. According to their rules: "Children aged 8 to 14 years must use a safety belt if one is available. Otherwise, they must travel in a back seat." So my workmate was right and the cop was wrong! I still wouldnt feel safe letting them ride without belts but thats just me. Im shocked to hear some people still get caught not belting their kids in nowadays even though they drive a modern car with belts and have seen some holding kids on their laps, its not the 70s anymore.
Feb 4, 3:20pm
30 kph,, haha what sort of car is it.
Feb 4, 3:29pm
Ok Op look lets forget all that emotional flim flam. YOU want seatbelts fitted so everything else is supurfluous. You can get them fitted but it can also be a bit of a mission. I can't really offer specific advice as you are in christchurch. First of all is the car a model which HASbeen fitted with belts anywhere else in the world. ! Is there a later year of the same model that did have belts! Would Lap belts be acceptable of do you need full la nd d belts!
Feb 4, 3:29pm
my xa hardtophasno rear belts
Feb 4, 3:47pm
That's interesting that my kids (all under 5) can ride in the Model A no problem, yet not in the back of our XR Fairmont with no belts fitted.
When we phoned LTSA as it was a few years back these rules may not have been around in this form - the lady on the phone just didn't know whether young children could legally ride in any of our cars so she basically said 'it's up to you whether you want to take the risk'.
Feb 4, 4:20pm
Had a similar problem with my Rover, I just fitted seat belts in the rear to be safe, just one each side didn't bother with the middle.
Feb 4, 5:10pm
Ya I think the rules have changed a few times. Some people say "well we never had belts when I was a kid" etc etc (and that's true for me too) but the point is, did they have an open road accident as a kid with no belts! That's the valid comparison. We have a couple of minis, and definitely would not take our little one in the back of one without belts/carseat.
Feb 4, 5:47pm
they travel in the back seat. If your that worried don't take them in the first place. I have a vintage car with no seat belts or indicators, its all ok because they didn't come out with them in the first place. Its each to their own. Just get them fitted. problem solved.
Feb 5, 3:11pm
depending on the car, some dont have seat belts fitted yet may still have factory mounts as were fitted so some but not all, other vehicles will have to be certified for having the seatbelts fitted.
Feb 5, 3:16pm
When you say "a classic car".
Some cars from the 1960s/70s that were supplied with no rear seatbelts may nevertheless have all the mounting points for them under there. As westygirl (#13) said. So if you're lucky then all it would cost you to fit belts is the price of the belts themselves.
And retrofitting rear seatbelts is a modification where not even the most zealous of "originality" fans is likely to object to the modification.
Feb 5, 4:37pm
It's a no brainer really. Do you want to have the kids unrestrained knowing what you do nowdays! If you have a front seatbelt, then are you happy to wear it while the kids have none!
Feb 5, 4:58pm
re-read the first post peoples. they are going to fit seat belts either way
Feb 6, 12:08pm
"If you don't have seats or safety belts fitted in the back of your van or car, you aren't allowed to carry children under the age of five in the back. If you need to get seats or safety belts fitted, ask an NZTA agent."
It seems yo be ok if you are over the age of 5yrs old to sit in the back seats without seat belts fitted.
Feb 6, 12:37pm
Yeah thanks westygirl, I thought I better clear that up for everyone straight away before the angry mob get on here ranting and pointing judgement at me for even considering buying a classic car with no rear belts, what a bad parent and so on. Like I said, Im happy to put them in for the safety of ANYONE who sits in the back. Still havent decided what car yet but something from the 60s - early 70s.
Feb 6, 1:35pm
the good thing with a classic is there's no airbags, so you can fit a child seat in the front. My wee one loves seeing where she's going when we get the 'noisy car' out.
Feb 6, 2:23pm
OkI replied to you OP with this Ok Op look lets forget all that emotional flim flam. YOU want seatbelts fitted so everything else is supurfluous. You can get them fitted but it can also be a bit of a mission. I can't really offer specific advice as you are in christchurch. First of all is the car a model which HAS been fitted with belts anywhere else in the world. ! Is there a later year of the same model that did have belts! Would Lap belts be acceptable of do you need full l and d belts! matybee when making a buying decision youask the questions I asked first. Incidently if it helps.--I havent yet found a car you couldn't fit belts into -it just might cost a bit of money.-LAP belts are usually a lot cheaper
Feb 6, 2:47pm
My old '69 Buick had front lap belts only, was warrented, never got pulled over. Rear parcel shelf had factory punched holes for the belt mounts, just had to weld the mounts in.
Feb 7, 3:23am
Thought they just bolted into the mounting holes! or not back in those days lol.
Feb 8, 2:00am
Personally. if the belt mounts are a problem in a big prang, thats the least of your worries. Oh. lots of love back atcha!
Feb 8, 4:54am
My Mini doesn't have rear seatbelts.Easy solution.Don't take the kids.
Feb 8, 2:37pm
Better solution. don't have kids! Bloody expensive.
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