Mitsubisi Lancer 1990 wont start-help

gboysmum, Feb 17, 1:07pm
ok so yesterday it wouldnt start when i picked partner up from work, her workmates played with it and eventually it started. This morning happened again, ive had to leave it at her work. its not the battery, it still turns the car on just not the engine. taxi guy tried to jump start it but nothing. its an auto. any ideas! thanks

mugenb20b, Feb 17, 6:32pm
Crikey! Could be anything.

If it's making a 'click' sound when you try and crank it, it will most likely be the starter motor.

If there's nothing, it could still be the starter motor or the inhibitor switch. Try moving the gear leaver back and forth a few times and try starting it again.

sp_toolsfan, Feb 17, 7:13pm
ok when u put the key and try to start do u get all ur dash board, if u do then its no ur battery.

if u hear a click nosie and still wont turn over, its ur starter, if u can reach it ( i dont no how easy it will be) wack it with a pole of some describsion while some cranks it it should start it but other wise u will need to get ur mecahnic out to take a look.

spottie, Feb 17, 7:26pm
Is it a fuel injected or carb engine. Mitsubishi had computer probs around that year. Same thing happened to mine.

sheepey, Feb 17, 8:30pm
Check for spark, possibly ignition module.

duke250, Feb 17, 8:34pm
I used to have a 89 lance and the idle had to be manually adjusted. Once a technician adjusted my idle and the car would not turn off. It would just sputter for a couple of minutes. But I guess you have the opposite problem.

mugenb20b, Feb 17, 8:56pm
Obviously it was just easier to sell it for $500.

thunderbolt, Feb 17, 11:41pm
Must be a different car, because this one is a good car which seems to have no problems.

mugenb20b, Feb 18, 12:47am
Oh, of course! Silly me.