is what people kept shouting at us this morning. surely we werent doing anything wrong! we were casually riding along at approx 5kph, maybe 6 at a push, and were no more than 15 wide across both lanes. for some reason people kept honking their horns and abusing us, we couldn't figure out why so ended up just stopping and bludgeoning the drivers with our shoes! they were clearly in the wrong for ruining the peace with their horns and loud exhausts
following the numerous bludgeoning incidents we proceeded to use our pick-axes (which we carry in our pockets) to dig numeous large holes in the road along a section of road approx 20km long
following the bludgeoning and hole digging we retired to a local cafe to drink overpriced coffees and admire each others shaved legs. all of this was incredibly stressful so while sipping lattes we filled out multiple ACC claims to try and get as much money out of the government as possible.
we then drowned a number of small animals in a local creek before returning home at 3kph on a main highway
Is there anything I missed out of this stereotype or did I just about get it all!
Feb 18, 6:29pm
Woah! there soldier I think your run'n with the wrong crowd.
Feb 18, 6:37pm
confused much!
Feb 18, 6:39pm
You also admired how good you looked in lycra
Feb 18, 7:30pm
damn i knew I missed something. thanks for pointing that out, god I looked good
Feb 18, 7:31pm
sense of humour much
Feb 18, 7:35pm
Haha Im a big fan of women cyclists and sneaking up behind them for a tight bum perve
Feb 18, 7:48pm
you aren't the only one hahaha
Feb 18, 7:55pm
Feb 18, 7:59pm
bikeman--you forgot to mention that the group diddnt stop for a single red light, Blamed every other road user for your problems and refused to use the designated bike lanes
Feb 18, 8:53pm
Dammit I really have to work on being an arsehole don't I. there wasn't any red lights on our route but the guys that got bludgeoned got blamed for all of our issues as we cried uncontrollaby hoping that someone would mow us down in their vehicle, as we are clearly all suicidal and have nothing to look forward to in our lives
Feb 18, 8:58pm
at least the Cafe didnt have to have comfy seats due to the padded 'nappy-look' pants that 'have' to be worn because bike seats now dont have any
Feb 18, 9:46pm
lmao love it. What about grabbing hold of a car aerial to get a free ride before the cheap aerial broke causing a terrible sprain, which of course, lead to more acc claims lol. So glad bikes don't have to pay rego, road users, acc or need warrants
Feb 19, 1:14am
i paid a lot of money to have some carbon fibre with a bit of vinyl stretched over it for my lycra clad ass haha. i wonder if i will ever be able to have guessing not.possibly not such a bad thing, stop the cyclist genes spreading eh
Feb 19, 1:56am
A double skim soy latte.ffs get it right lol.
Feb 19, 3:12am
#1- Yep, you survived this one time- we'll get you next time.
Feb 19, 3:15am
I think years and many hours of rubbing one's nads on a bicycle seat helps one's chances of producing offspring. I had no trouble and had to have a man with a sharp knife work to stem the flow the other year. Lance has produced 5 (!) and he's only got 1 nut.
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