Anyone have a BMW tool turns out airbag light

surfernz22, Feb 27, 4:39pm
Light turns off after 90 secs but cant get warrant cause of lightwont turn off straight awayAnyone have thetool thatswitches off airbag light pl orwhere you can get one.

redmouse, Feb 27, 5:49pm

sharchew, Feb 27, 5:53pm
Get the Mechanic to reset it he should have the gear at his workshop if he is a good Mechanic.

saxman99, Feb 27, 5:54pm
If a fault remains the light will not behave even after a reset, you need to rectify the fault.

carmedic, Feb 27, 5:54pm
I can??

attitudedesignz, Feb 27, 7:20pm
OP, check the web for a "car medic"(remove the space) in Napier, i'm sure he could help.

pup2, Feb 27, 7:49pm

buyme3, Feb 27, 7:50pm
Dash pulls out wit two screws, pull bulb out, take ya five mins

pup2, Feb 27, 7:56pm
WOF fail as light doesn't come on

elect70, Feb 27, 9:39pm
Look at unuthoirised BMWtells how to make own resettoolsorwhich pins to bridge,site is full of good info for DIY BMW owners

carmedic, Feb 27, 9:49pm
However,I think you??

shadowzz, Oct 26, 8:18pm
Will this do the job!
Listing #: 526816083

jmma, Oct 26, 11:06pm
Thread from Feb, think the job might be done by now (o:

shadowzz, Oct 26, 11:39pm
Nah! It'll have to be done again and again on every BMW in the country until they taken to pickapart. Maybe we should be able to borrow a reset tool from the library or video shop, since BMW intends to charge $50 a reading, from a device that cost $12 to make in China.

raymond00001, Oct 27, 12:09am
Just wire the light in paralell with one of the circuits that is not faulty

carclan, Oct 27, 1:59am
Try a fire axe, but be careful as if you miss air bag light you might hit the oil pressure light.

carclan, Oct 27, 1:59am
Try a fire axe, but be careful as if you miss theair bag light you might hit the oil pressure light.

shadowzz, Oct 28, 7:52pm
I had a warning light not showing so I removed the instruments to check the bulbs. I didn't want to take off the steering wheel so I pulled the instruments through the wheel, but as I turned the wheel it locked the steering. To unlock the steering Ihad to reconnect the battery which because the dash was out signaled a fault in the SRS. So now to get a warrant I must
1. pay $50 for a reset
2. pay $65 for a reset tool
3. parallel wire the SRS light to one of the other lights by removing the instruments again.
4. operate the light with a remote switch.
or 5. operate the car without a warrent or registration or insurance.


chebry, Oct 28, 8:04pm
Bavarian money waster true to label

persh, Nov 1, 2:26am
How about actually spending some money and fixing the airbag fault - it may save your life! Or is your life or the lives of your family not worth that!

shadowzz, Nov 25, 9:40pm
There is no airbag fault. The fault light was triggered by turning the steering lock when the dash was out but the battery was connected.

carclan, Nov 25, 9:51pm
Better just to take it to BMW or buy the tool, saves alot of hassle

shadowzz, Nov 30, 1:32am
Nah hit it with a truck, turns off all the lights.