i cant make reverse with 5 speed forward gearbox and 1 reverse. Colomn change push forward and down for reverse but wont goi could take the gearbox cover off to see the gates but must be easy please any others with dynas can help
Mar 26, 2:09am
are you able to select all the forward gears !.
Mar 26, 2:39am
hiyes even 5th which is opposite reverse.when i look at the top of gear box and view the mechanism. one shaft is pushed quite a way to the right before the second is engagged
Mar 26, 3:19am
I would start by checking the linkages from the gear lever down to the gearbox. Make sure nothing came loose or detached. You may even find that some of the linkages can be adjusted. I've experienced the same problems with very early Mitsi L200 utes and all that was needed was an adjustment.
Mar 26, 3:30am
hi yes lots of adjustments but do i shorten or lengtheni have to know how it works which was why i could take top of gearbox off to see which linkage engages the reverse as there is obviously a lock so you cant go from fifth into reverse in one go as they are opposite.
Mar 26, 3:42am
Sorry, can't tell without actually seeing the vehicle, but try both, lengthen to begin with and then shorten the "suspect" linkage. See if it makes any difference, if not, then put them back as they were.
Mar 26, 3:53am
where would i go on the net to get a repair manual online!
Mar 26, 5:50am
Is the clutch hydraulics getting enough travel or worn clutch!. With the truck on stands, with the back wheels off the ground can you select reverse with the motor turned off! The purpose of this is to see if the gears are meshing or not. Also look for loss of motion in the linkages. Get someone else to move it through the gears while you are underneath looking at the linkage. good luck.
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