What's the verdict on the Funcargo?

male_timaru, Mar 19, 10:38pm
Looking at 2 of them - 1 is a 2001 (i think) and the other is a 2004 (i think)

they are the 1.3 motor versions - about all i know of them -

Any mechanics give a run down of what CAN and DOES go wrong with them etc!(Trans, Engines, Suspension etc)

rovercitroen, Mar 19, 10:41pm
2nd only in coolness to the real thing - Fiat Multipla.

rovercitroen, Mar 19, 10:43pm
Seriously though kazbanz should be along to answer your question. I remember him saying he has sold lots of Funcargos.

male_timaru, Mar 19, 10:45pm
They're a 5 seater which is a bonus over my rvr which is only 4 seater - looking for something small and nippy for round town as i don't really (and probably won't really) get to go out of town and up the ski slopes much this year (which is why i originally bought the rvr)

27rose27, Mar 20, 2:15am
had one ror a rental once, freaked out initially as used to big cars, but by end of week i thought it was a pretty good wee car for what it was, plenty of room despite first appearances.

rpvr, Mar 20, 3:19am
Basically the same mechanically as the Echo/Vitz/Ist etc so should be pretty reliable.

horsepower7, Mar 20, 3:48am
we have them at work and i cant think of any common faults they have. do it!

incar., Mar 20, 4:36am
inspected plenty, stay away from the one's that have sun roofs, get a inspection done as i inspected 5 for one customer and the 6th vehicle was clean

twink19, Mar 20, 3:22pm
my sisters have them, lots of long trips never had any problems

tgray, Mar 20, 3:59pm
What did you find that made your customer reject the first 5! (presuming they didn't all have sunroofs)

incar., Mar 20, 4:19pm
the first 2 had sunroof issues, the others were either crap panel and paint, leaking shocks, sway bar link rod bushes, rear main seal leak and a few other issues, all had just been vin so a couple of them shouldn't have passed, generally a good car this particular client wanted a A1 vehicle

male_timaru, Mar 20, 4:23pm
hahaha my daughter would love it but i think the dash is a bit much - otherwise nice looking vehicle lol

male_timaru, Mar 20, 4:24pm
My other choice is those wee bB as well - i prefer the squarer body of those or those wee hondas (think it is jazz or something) YES I WANT BOXY lol

hopie, Mar 20, 4:30pm
Nissan cube

tgray, Mar 20, 4:48pm
definitely cheaper than a funcargo.
2000 cube with 100k's couldn't get more than $4000 for mine, whereas a 2000 funcargo with100k's around $6000.

pauloc, Mar 21, 4:47am
Have sold lots of Funcargos. Very little issues with them ever.Very versatile things. Used one myself for a year as a company vehicle. Good on fuel and huge storeage.

male_timaru, Mar 21, 7:24pm
Thanks guys

Seriously considering a private sale one at moment $6500 only 127,000kms and has mags and tints and is white (crisp white white lol)

h2oldragon, Mar 27, 2:44am
The funcargo 1300 is the same car from 1999 to 2005.
No known issues at all. Don't get the par bench version where the seats don't fold into the floor but do try to get the wide front seat version.