Harley Davidson Drive Belts?

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thunderbolt, Mar 14, 12:53am
Including the belt I would expect

planespotterhvn, Mar 14, 3:57am
How much is the belt on its own! Are there different belts for different models or are they all the same!

tonyrockyhorror, Mar 14, 1:42pm
Yeah, but that applies to any bike that doesn't have the final drive concentric with the swingarm pivot i.e. nearly every single bike

planespotterhvn, Mar 14, 6:16pm
So I hope the harley shop knows how to set up the maximum tension properly!

planespotterhvn, Mar 15, 12:16am
So How much is a Belt!

jono450, Mar 15, 12:34am
$289 + gst and it takes around 45 mins to fit were did you get $900 from

evopaul, Mar 15, 12:57am
$410 inclu. GST is the most ive paid but ive bought two as spares off low mileage bikes via Ebay for $120 each landed.

toot5, Mar 15, 1:50am
1997 xl1200s 90 000km i on my 4th belt. 3 broke i lost its teeth in one doing a burn out i buy them from j& p cycles in usa easy to replace

planespotterhvn, Mar 15, 3:13am
$900 was belt plus fitting. The guy said they have to pull the entire back end off the bike.does that seem valid or a rort!

planespotterhvn, Mar 17, 1:38am
Why are these belts so overpriced!

tonyrockyhorror, Mar 17, 2:02am
Doubt it.

tonyrockyhorror, Mar 17, 2:02am
They know a sucker when the see one!

planespotterhvn, Mar 20, 5:05pm
Harley riders unite against poor set up procedures and expensive belt prices. CGA could take effect here!

desmodave, Mar 20, 5:23pm
Or you could just treat yourself to a quality Italian motorcycle and save yourself some stress. ( your face is looking blue man , you should really take a breath of air)

a65, Mar 21, 1:59am

gunhand, Mar 21, 2:12am
Thats absolutly correct. Now just a matter of finding one.

brokebloke1, Mar 21, 2:24am
there is NO WAY I would put a secondhand drive belt on a bike !new ones cost $150+gst, even if it had done 2kms! its been tenison hopefully by someone who got a clue what they are doing.
Its like using 2nd hand brake pads NO WAY .

i-n-horz, Mar 21, 4:13am
Gez-zus.I must have the only couple of HD's that don't breakdown,drop belts like a prozzy on Friday nights or leak'n the black gold on the workshop floor.Hells Bells!.a sures is a lucky chap aint dat right.

gunhand, Mar 21, 4:15am
Yea sure but it helps that it sit in the shed and never goes anywhere LOL.


Actually the only HD ive seen broken down only had a puncture so it wasnt really broken anyway,

i-n-horz, Mar 21, 4:37am
Your not too wrong there gunhand.me ol'softail has been sit'n a wee while now in the midst of morph'n into a Bobber style cruiser.never enough beer,to many rug-rats,lawns to big and Mama say I can play with me toys when I done me chores.I aint listen'n this winter.

planespotterhvn, Mar 30, 5:53am
No master link on a drive belt.how the hell do you fit it thru the swing arm!

illusion_, Mar 30, 2:55pm
You dont. And it's not a job you do on the side of the road like a chain.

The swingarm is just one of the things that has to be removed

planespotterhvn, Apr 1, 1:12am
It would pay to get the tension right then, otherwise you will be up for an expensive new belt and a truck load of man hours.
I hear that harleys come with a indicator scale on the belt guard to indicate proper tension, (is this no load or with two people sitting on it with a heap of luggage!). Or is it because the aftermarket belt guards do not have the tension markings on them that people are overtensioning the belts!

fishb8, Apr 1, 2:17pm
BTW - I have a Bmw 650 that has a belt drive. On a dedicated forum,one guy got 100,000 miles from his belt. Probably a lot of freeway stuff, not gravel roads.

planespotterhvn, Apr 1, 11:42pm
BMW may have better geometry which keeps the tension more constant and the factory manual may be more specific as to how to set it up without overburdening it with suspension loads.!