2000 Toyota Avalon

kiwijo4, Apr 7, 1:57am
Couple of times now I go to acelerate and the rpm's go over 3 and my car loses any power until i take my foot off the acelerator and then its ok,I thought it was just going uphill because it did it twice today driving home, i have to pull over and then i can drive again.ButITSwhenevermy rpm's go over 3.Is this a transmission problem or something else.TIA

jmma, Apr 7, 2:04am
Blocked fuel filter!

kiwijo4, Apr 7, 2:10am
I know nothing about cars,so could be lol

ema1, Apr 7, 5:09am
Have a diagnostics check done, no doub't a fault code will show what the problem is, possibly a fuel starvation problem have the fuel pump checked for line pressure at the common rail if it's down then fuel pump possibly, check & replace fuel filter also for starters!
When did it have it's last fuel filter done and how many kms has the car done!
Any sensors on the blink will show as a fault code on a diagnostics check sheet.
Bit of a stab in the dark here really more of a hands on thing to sort actually,
I have a 2001 Avalon VXi and haven't experienced that problem brilliant car.
Have the transmission checked also would be a good thought!