Now my 245 has a random problem where I can drive for hours day in day out and she goes mint then randomly it will just start dying at intersections, Start running crap only has power once acc flat down and getting higher in revs. It will start straight back up but then dies. Now I leave car for say half hour it will be sweet as. And I can drive again probably for days. I have replaced fuel filter, Done float levels, Replaced needle and seat. Could it be the fuel pump crapping itself.No doubt its the original one.Thanks for any advice.Beer time
Apr 6, 9:03pm
Been ten minutes now restarted car and she is back to normal!. We
Apr 6, 9:11pm
Probably fuel pump, the diaphragm in it could have a split or could be some other fault with it, fit another one and see is all I can say! Make sure the fuel tank ventilation is not blocked creating a depression/vacuum in the tank itself, make sure there are no kinks or dings or blockages in the fuel line as well while you are at it!
Apr 6, 9:15pm
Maybe, just maybe ignition breaking down under load and heat. Coil, condensor etc
Apr 6, 9:18pm
Other worry is something floating in the tank blocking the outlet but don't think that would correct itself that well. Could be sticking dizzy weights as well.
Apr 6, 9:18pm
Everything like fuel line is new. I replace coil, leads, etc about 2 months ago. I might try new fuel pump and see how it goes. Wont hurt having a new one on there. :D Cheers
Apr 6, 9:20pm
whats the heat in the engine bay like, hot enough to cook an egg type, and does she run well on cold days but start playing up on norwester days,how hot does the temp get up to at the top radiator hose
Apr 6, 9:24pm
Heat doesnt seem to bad aye. Its sorta only just started doing it. havent had many probs at all. It will do it cold or hot weather doesnt really matter. I dont have anything to check the top radiator hose with. It actually started just after I parked her up for about 30 mins while doing an oil change today so it wasnt at full operating temp. Actually come to think about it I did a wedding a few months ago and it did the same after it sat for a bit. That was the first day it did it.
Apr 6, 9:25pm
Make sure your fuel tank is getting adequate ventilation as if it's not then fuel starvation can be an issue if the fuel pump is faulty it won't help things and leaving it for a while it runs normal as you say could point to that, take the fuel cap off when you have a low fuel level in the tank ( so that fuel won't spray out the filler neck)and drive it a distance an see what happens, worth trying actually.just a thought!
Apr 6, 9:28pm
Ok will do. How do I fix it if its blocked .Is there a vent valve somewhere. It is a pretty shitty cap on there but its been same petrol cap from 1971.It doesnt make any noise when its removed.
Apr 6, 9:30pm
It will probably not make any noise with engine not running but try that same thing .remove the cap when the engine is revving a bit then remove it to see if it sucks in air. Have someone have their foot on the gas pedal while you check it! Should have some means of venting in there .exactly what I'm not sure as I have never had a tank out of one or had any fuel starvation problems in my days working on them full time, they were a lot newer then of course! If the caps "shitty'" as you say then there's a fair chance there's more of that elsewhere me thinks .referring to ventilation of tank, probably a vent valve on top of tank ! Not sure on thaty.
Apr 6, 9:31pm
Ok will check when the wife is home ! Cheers.
Apr 6, 9:36pm
My 245 used to do exact same thing, I rebuilt the carb which IIRC is a 'Rochester' using a kit, so just seals and gaskets and needle and I think idel jet. it seemed to be good after that, that was 25 years ago mind:-)
Apr 6, 9:42pm
Warping of the carb body could produce such faults too, butterfly shaft wear can be a factor too, a full professionally/factory rebuilt carb could be a requirement too! But intermittent like what's being described almost points to a combination of faulty fuel pump and tank venting faults to me, particularly when as said it could be the original pump, if it is, it's done a sterling service up to now.
Apr 6, 9:43pm
hahah Yeah may have been rekitted! If you can do that but it definately looks original or bloody old! hahaCarb was rekitted a year or so ago.
Apr 6, 9:46pm
My suggestions seem to be getting more accurate given the info we have right now! Pump and check the tank for ventilation it sounds like to me! Take the cap off and go for a drive now before wifey gets back see what happens!
Apr 6, 10:06pm
Thing is car will be sweet for probably another 10 hours driving before it plays up. haha. Is it good if its suctioning through tank filler or not!
Apr 6, 10:49pm
Won't hurt but could prove a ventilation fault as there won't be any resistance to suction from the fuel pump like there could be if the tank is not venting properly as a certain amount of air will be drawn into the tank as fuel gets pumped out of it. Got to remember as fuel is drawn out of the tank outside air must be able to enter through some form of vent so that there isn't a vacuum effect in the tank providing that resistance and any resistance to the fuel being pumped out of the tank will be worse if the fuel pump is faulty.
Apr 6, 10:53pm
Cheers mate, Will give it a go and post back.
Apr 7, 1:55am
I had a vg and i did away with the plastic inline fuel filter because you were not allowed to race with it in and it ran like sh.t so i ended up getting a metal inline fuel filter problem fix .Check filter.
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