Wl-t mazda 2.5

faybian, Apr 6, 2:23am
could any one tell me what sequence to set the valve clearances and what the clearances are thanks

faybian, Apr 6, 4:31am
any 1

jmma, Apr 6, 4:36am

budgel, Apr 6, 4:43pm
Jmma's figures are correct for the 2.5, if you cant take it from there maybe you should pay someone else to do it. There is a downloadable link with a diagram there.

Measurewhenthe back of the cam opposite the lobe is facing the rocker arm. measure between the cam and the rocker arm as per the diagram.

ceebee2, Apr 6, 7:40pm
As per budgel, if you haven't done it before then leave it to a COMPETENT Mechanic as it can caus all sort of probs not done exactly as per standard practice. i.e burn valves/ lose power.