Super Tourers. Petrol headsdon39t forget this we at ruapunanzs answer to scars
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Apr 4, 5:45am
Petrol Heads,Don't forget this W/E at Ruapuna.NZs answer to S/Cars
Apr 4, 5:48am
V8 motorsport yes,
NZ's answer to V8SC, NUP!
Apr 4, 10:49pm
Id rather watchour boys atin the ST sthan spendseveral ton going tothe Hamilton 400 towatchaussie SC roofs fly by the 500 m of track can actually see. Only time i went I watched most of it on the big screen, can do that at home .
Apr 4, 11:27pm
NZs answer to supercars,a big fat YES. Have you seen them on the track,or do you know much about them.Only 1sec difference at Puke.100 kg lighter with more torgue than a S/C from the monster 7 lt V8. Slightly down on HP, but nothing between them.And just for your information the Aussies will be using a similar concept next seasonwith their COTF. NZs answer to S/Cs ,YES
Apr 4, 11:31pm
You will be seeing a few more S/C drivers run in the S/T series,if it suits their schedule
Apr 4, 11:39pm
What lap times have the supertourers done around puke!The bnt nzv8 cotf looks pretty good too.
Apr 4, 11:42pm
There remains a section of purist Motorsport fans that can't get that excited about a Ford win achieved without a Ford engine.
These are the people who will still enjoy a NZV8 win or a V8SC win more than ST win. I understand why they went this way, so dont bother defending the series, it just doesnt float my boat as much.
I will still watch it of course, and ANY V8 motorsport is better than ricer racing.
Apr 4, 11:52pm
Have you seen them live on the track/
Apr 4, 11:55pm
S/cars get around in 55sec and the ST during testing clocked 56sec,So i guess with a litte more time to run them there willbe nothing between them.I think the BNTV8s clock out at around 59 -- 61 sec!
Apr 4, 11:58pm
Well there's going to be a few sad fans next year in Aussie when they introduce different engines.
Apr 5, 12:16am
I think the bnt v8s were around 59 until they went to a harder tire,now around 60-61
Apr 5, 12:19am
Have you seen the STs in action!
Apr 5, 12:41am
Only on tv.I have a few ford mates like others ain't too keen on the fords having a chevy motor.Its funny that they only use Hypereutectic pistons.
Apr 5, 1:05am
nah, I can always watch Touring car masters etc, and dream about the good old days of win on Sunday, sell on Monday nostalga.
Apr 5, 1:39am
When was the last time a V8 supercar got around puke, personally i cant stand the super tourers
Apr 5, 1:40am
went the first meeting at Hampton Downs, great, look like S/C sound similar, not loud, but great cant wait until a few more cars are ready, so Tony can take his cars and go home
Apr 5, 2:11am
Amen to that. The demise of top class racing and spectator support in NZ is simply because of the total fixation on one/two make series, and in the case of tier 1, tiny grids. I really can't be bothered with any race that is restricted to one or two makes/models, especially when they can only rustle up 12 car grids, week after week. The only exception to the one make is the BMW open class and the Alfa Trofeo series. Not being either a Ford or GM fan, or a follower of personalities, I'll stick to the classics, muscle cars, historics and even Vintage. Whether a car circulates in 61 seconds or 55 seconds or even 70 seconds is virtually irrelevant in my book.
Apr 5, 2:18am
Yes I have seen them in action. Got bored and deaf with the quaife gearbox whine, and then the diff whine as the cars went away from me.Need LOUD ENGINE NOISE to become real in my book.
Apr 5, 2:50am
What a strange petrol head you must be.
Apr 5, 2:58am
I too was brought up in the alcomer class when J R was racing the Escort,along with Coppins, Marwood,Francivich[sp] Fahey etc etc.It was great to see cars you knew exactly what was under the bonnet.But i also appreciate modern technology and the performance of these new breed of car,that's why i am a big fan of the ST. Like you i feel there is far too many classes introduced nearly every season,but we still have the G1 sedans along with the pre 65s,musle cars ,not to mention the endless supply of beema's to remind us of nostalia.
Apr 5, 3:05am
That's a big wordto throw in for us mere mortals.There is no such thing as Ford and Holden,they all use the same chassis,motor,gearbox, susp,brakes etc,even the ECU s are drawn from a ballot before the meeting.The only resemblance of Ford or Holden is the bolt on panels and badge.
Apr 5, 3:12am
Which is why no-one in the real world cares.
Apr 5, 3:24am
That's why they had a big spectator following. and will continue everywhere they go.They are the new S/C of NZ.Watch this space.
Apr 5, 3:30am
I bet they cut to the 6 o'clock news before the end of the race.
Apr 5, 3:39am
Of course they will if it coincides.Apart from Bathurst ,how many other races take precedence over the news.! We are talking about the very first season of ST after only one meeting.Give them time to establish themselves before you decide to rubbish them,but i guessthat's the Kiwi way,some people can't help it.
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