Need to change the pads, any tips or drama's that I might run into!thanks
Mar 31, 3:58am
Just the pads! Falcons are notorious for rotor wear too. But if you just need pads, go to BNT
Mar 31, 4:01am
Repco & Supercheap usually have Easter sales I would wait till then, you could get them cheaper
Mar 31, 3:01pm
BA Falcons were were known to have front brake problems ( mainly rotor ) from new. Mate was a service manager at a Ford franchise and said some were coming back as early as 10000 km's. We replaced ours at 80000 km's. Very easy to do if you are mechanically minded.
Mar 31, 3:59pm
Brake pads are very simple to do on them, just be sure to compress both pistons back in at the same time (Use one of the old pads to do this).
Falcon's have a misconception of having bad rotor wear, when in fact its just the Master cylinder pushrod clearance that is out. If you aren't experiencing brake shudder don't worry about it, just check the rotor for a lip on the outer edge or any grooves or uneven wear in it. Rotors generally last well over 200,000k before they are under minimum thickness
Mar 31, 5:00pm
And make sure you bleed the front brakes at least, as there will be air in there for sure when you retract the calipers.
That link is for an older model falcon, but basically similar principles
Mar 31, 7:31pm, there won't be.
Mar 31, 7:49pm
I was taught as a apprentice to always bleed the front brakes esp on cars that have abs fitted (BA falcon does) when you retract the piston on thecalipers. Subarus are terrible for letting air into the system something to do with a bi-pass valve in caliper. It only takes 5mins to bleed better to be safe than sorry with soft or no brakes
Mar 31, 8:08pm
Mysterious air!
Mar 31, 8:25pm
off topic.buthow often do people actually. replace completebrake fluid! asbrake fluid is hydrascopic.egattracts water. i recommend every 2 myopinion it should be part of my experience (sic) it does make a difference to brake feel and response. any comments!
Mar 31, 8:27pm
I did a full brake rebuild in my Ba last year, bought rotors and pads off a trader here and they were well priced and of good quality. Only problem I had was 3 of the 4 bleed nipples were seized and snaped off flush with the caliper when trying to undo. Right or wrong I was told to crack open the nipples when retracting the the pistons to stop forcing crap back into the ABS. True or another rumour!
Mar 31, 8:31pm
Also, check your front hoses. pretty sure BA hoses are a fraction to short and get a stretch on full lock causing premature failure, one of mine went.
Mar 31, 9:38pm
Territories had this problem, whereas the Falcons had the rear hoses too short, however there was a recall done on both of the above and pretty much every car has been done unless the owners been living under a rock.
Read any bottle of brake fluid or any service manual - it is always 2 years recommended intervals for Brake Fluid. I agree, and all cars we work on gets done every 2 years. BTW the word your looking for is Hygroscopic :)
Mar 31, 9:51pm
very true about cracking the bleed nipples on calipers thats how we always done it , also how most dealerships should do it
Mar 31, 10:11pm
Its how they should do it . but I doubt theres many out there that do.
Mar 31, 10:25pm
Territories had this problem, whereas the Falcons had the rear hoses too short, however there was a recall done on both of the above and pretty much every car has been done unless the owners been living under a rock.
Didnt I read somewhere it was one of those tricky ford recalls which only apply if you have had your car serviced at a ford dealership!. Maybe that was something I read on one of the Aussy ford sites!. Anyway thanks for clearing it up.
Mar 31, 10:49pm
Which would explain why new rotors removed the shudder i guess.
Mar 31, 10:52pm
Nope, anyone can with any car that needs the recall
Mar 31, 10:53pm
Yup, the pushrod clearance means there is always a slight pressure on the brakes which causes the rotors to heat up and warp, so replacing or machining rotors is a temporary fix, but it will come back unless you fix it properly
Apr 1, 2:47am
Thanks for all the info,hopefully will find time this week to do it.
Apr 8, 4:42pm
Thanks all for the info, did them yesterday, first side took about 15 mins other side about 4, its much easier once you find all the right spanners.Now just got to do the drum brakes on the rear, its a S/Wagon.
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