Advice please. Now im no good at car thingsi was just wondering i have been told that i need a new motor for my car because my o
Apr 19, 10:15pm
now im no good at car things,i was just wondering i have been told that i need a new motor for my car, because my oil rings or coils i think there called. Are stuffed,i was told that this problem was caused because my over drive in my transmission wasn't connected is this true!
Apr 19, 10:18pm
Have another try, that ones a litle hard to fathom lol
Apr 19, 10:22pm
Sounds like a fairytale to me.
What exactly is happening with your car to make you think it needs a new engine!
Apr 19, 10:28pm
i had a guy in whangarei put my transmission in my car two months ago and he didnt connect the overdrive when he stuck the transmission in and now it dosnt change properly it sits at 4 and a half revs on a 100km and wont change.
Apr 19, 10:29pm
the local mechanic told me today the cause of my motor being stuffed was because the over drive wasnt connected and it caused me to burn my oil rings in the motor
Apr 19, 10:31pm
All unlikely, the trans was probably stuffed the day it was fitted !
Apr 19, 10:32pm
As a small matter of interest, vehicle year make and model.
Apr 19, 10:35pm
i paid 850 for that trans really angry about it toits a toyota celica 1991
Apr 19, 10:51pm
More than likely its using oil because its getting up in the mileage,nothing to do with transmission,but why did you not go back to the transmission guy when it was revving so high!-was it revving that high before transmission was changed!
Apr 19, 11:15pm
Sounds like if anything the higher revs at cruise were possibly just the last straw that broke the camels back on a worn out 22 year old engine.
Two months isn't a very long time unless you are a taxi and unlikely to have damaged the engine unless it was already about to lunch itself. Especially as 4500rpm isn't exactly revving its guts out either.
I would suggest for what its likely to cost you sell it and start again with something newer.
Even just $2000 can buy you a LOT of car if you are careful, take your time and prepared to think outside the Toyota box. You will be lucky to do decent major engine repairs for $2000 less what the Toyota is worth "as is". Your $2000 should be able to bring you up close to something half the age of the Toyota. Those Celica's were great cars when new but they are just too old now to be bothering with for what they are worth.
BTW, going just on what you have said, neither mechanics fill me with confidence. Might be time to start again on that front too. Remember, if you do change car, maintenance is generally much cheaper and more predictable than repairs. Maintenance does not mean just the occasional oil change.
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