The first thing to mention here is Truck drivers are professional drives, what the Hot Rod driver did was very unprofessional. In the clip you only see an idiot using his vehicle as a weapon. If the truck hit the dick, the hot-rod owner would get a ticket and loose the right to claim on insurance plus have a decent repair bill. I feel there was more to this and would not be surprised if the hot-rod had done something stupid and pulled in front of the truck further down the rd or something and was doing his bit to get revenge for stuffing up. thunderbolt, after reading your posts I??
Apr 12, 11:37pm
Well I always drive my car as fast as conditions (and the law) permit, and I overtake most things on the open road.
I would much rather sit behind a truckie (unless it's a cattle truck) than sit behind about 90% of my fellow car-driving numpties on the road.
At least truckies seem to know how to see through a corner, and how to maintain a steady speed close to the legal limit. Skills that the majority of car drivers seem incapable of, despite the far superior power and handling of their machines.
Apr 12, 11:48pm
has anyone worked out whichroad it is I think it is the viaduct hill southof Wellsford going by the food caravan on the right
Apr 13, 12:42am
why is the subject divided #51,it just goes to show how many scarey drivers there are out there will say again, the truck driver was abiding by the law and did nothing wrong where as the hot rod nerd should be charged with dangerous driving as i saw it.
Apr 13, 12:49am
Truck Driver = Dick Rodder = Moron & Halfwit.
I'd rather be a Dick than a Moron
Apr 13, 12:58am
Too many posting here have obviously never driven a truck and have no idea, the hotrod driver was in the wrong and a total dork and deserved to be rear ended.
Apr 13, 1:14am
is this still going, bunch of impotent muppets how dare that hot rod driver blow off my hero ( a truck driver anonymous)
for whatever reason the '32 driver felt justified to slow the rig down, be it right or wrong - and if it was deliberate it was wrong But nowhere did he do anything illegal, or cause anything more serious than a stain on the truckies undies, and that was the truck drivers doing anyway for the dreamers in their impotent rage claiming they would have run the '32 off the road or rammed him, think again, even if YOU had been driving that rig _ ad you were not - there was not a chance in hell the truck could have got close enough to even fill the mirror, and if he had got that close the '32 would have simple pulled another 2 mts away from his bumper if you actually cut the sound and watch the vid again you'll see a whole different picture - the impotent rage and screams of indignation at actually having his nose tweaked by some young pup who actually had the power and the nouse to outdrive the muppet steering the truck is pure comedy without the sound its just another fool waving his fist at his own inablity to handle life in or out of the passing lane
Apr 13, 1:24am
I think it is still illegal to run into the back of any vehicle, moving or stationary, something about driving and having sufficient space to stop in half the distance - which actually means the truck was bound by that law as soon as the '32 pulled in, you all claim to know how long it would take to stop a rig that size on a climbing hill ( yeah right - like you know diddly) and the truck by law should have backed off twice that distance immediately
Apr 13, 1:30am
now naturally there will be some who will argue that the truck had every right to pound the '32, just like they have the right to pound meat each night, but neither case of pounding is actually a right, and when it comes to deliberately ramming a vehicle it most definitely is not a right at any time you may sympathise with the truck or sympathise with the '32, but don't go advocating illegal action to appease yourwounded pride and sense of injustice to your boyhood dream of riding a rig, beating all before you or beating them down if they pass you by
Apr 13, 1:39am
I detect a wee bit o tension on this one Skin.
Its cool, chill, Dicks on the road everyday, can be hard to decide which is the bigger one at times. Both these clowns were in the wrong.
If the trucker had decided to up the ante, it would have been a different outcome for the 32. That would be sad, but it happens everyday out there.
Apr 13, 1:48am
ahhhg, the holier than thou complex of many is showing, and the inability to comprehend even the most basic mode of consideration is thus inherently voided Yet these are the same dicks that cannot get to the end of the passing lane in second place, these same dicks are the ones swearing and gesturing because you are only driving at 95km/hr on the open road and to wait until you are around the corner before you pull over to let them through is just tooo much time out of their lives - somehow you are supposed to pull left into the bank to give them room to continue at the speed they want to drive at - regardless of conditions - cos guess what, that slower driver is a condition, drive accordingly
Apr 13, 1:50am
You are a fatality waiting to happen skin and I reckon unless you change your mind-set, it isn't too far away. How the hell can you not see the Hot Rod in the wrong is beyond me. The truck had a video camera and even if the little red pos had a camera on board facing backwards, the damming evidence would be the same. You can not pull in front of another vehicle and slam your brakes on for no good reason. It??
Apr 13, 2:02am
so you would wish me to be a fatality and soon because why! cos I can see a vid a bit different to you - and for that I should die!
you have anger issues mapman, get them seen to
there was no way the truck could have even got close, full noise in about 6th 0r 7th gear he was doing barely 50km/hr, where was he going to find anything else to catch up to the '32, and then ram him with anything harder than a gentle nudge, did you see the '32 parked up or something, I saw the 32 still rolling and staying well away from the truck, actually teasing the truck, nothing illegal about teasing for it to become more serious there would have needed to be contact - and we all know that wasn't about to happen
while I don't drive rigs anymore, I did at one time have 20+ in my fleet with semi's and 4 axles behind them all too as someone has said there are dicks on the road all over, this vid was showing 2 of them in the same place, whats the big issue about that I should be wished dead for
Apr 13, 2:15am
The truck driver was in the wrong , why the f*ck would he need to get his concrete poles to the work site before the other guy! Because they were racing and had it set up on leaving the depot. Hot rod guy was ok, truck drivers are apes, should be an IQ test before handing out class 5 licences, now that the drug test has weeded out the morons we are left with the idiots. Don't forget these truck drivers also drive cars and are the ones causing "I'm bigger than you" havoc on the roads. But I don't care 'coz I'm immune
Apr 13, 2:17am
lol, I've got a big bottle of those immune pills too
Apr 13, 2:39am
Well then, you should know better. How about I turn the tables and a car driver does it to you because you did something to p*** them off and you rear end him. The cop pulls up and gives you the ticket, I reckon you would not be best pleased. If the truck hit the rod clearly the hot rod driver would get a fine because of the video, so why are you defending the car in the wrong. Like I said, you are a fatality waiting to happen, that??
Apr 13, 2:54am
cheers poppain is there anyway i can contact the driver of the truck at all do you know
Apr 13, 2:58am
the op is not party to any of this incident in anyway shape or form but does a huge interest in incident from another perspective but thanks for your concern
Apr 13, 3:02am
how about if I did nothing at all to piss him off, and he decides to commit suicide in my front axle at 100km plus, that was enough to get me to quit driving after realising there ARE dicks out there, and you cannot control them, loosing control and behaving like the truck driver did, ranting and shaking your fist is about as successful as a wank in the bath, and says a lot more about you than it does about them
Apr 13, 3:09am
I drive that piece of road regularly, and see some shocking overtaking as the two lanes go into one.The merge sign is quite a way back to make sure that people do realise that 2 goes to 1.The HR driver must be needing to resit his test for that manoeuvre,The truck driver only did the same as every other truck does up there, gets a run at it and passes what he can before the hill gets too much. Its quite a long straight drag up there, and there is normally plenty of space to pass, and it goes double lane fairly quickly over the bridge for a short distance.
Apr 13, 3:09am
Problem for you is, no where in that video shows the truck driving doing anything illegal and that??
Apr 13, 3:21am
don't just look at the vid and proclaim oh look the 32 driver did wrong - what was the reason for it, why did he behave so was it other issues from elsewhere, or frustration at what he saw the truck doing, right or wrong he was angry at that truck gets beyond tickets and fines and courts when you start promoting jungle law on the roads, and wishing fatality on someone who does not see it the way you do nothing illegal was done, inconsiderate maybe, lacking fineness definitely, chargeable offence, no if the 32 was stopped due to a blown diff, who would be in the wrong then, would the vid excuse the truck from running into him if after the fact it was found to be a mechanical fault, the truck is supposed to drive according to the current conditions, and the current condition wasthere was a car in front of him, he does not have any right to ram it, (even if he could find the puff needed to catch up to it first) he is supposed to try VERY hard to avoid ramming it - something that most including yourselfare advocating he should have ignored
how many times do I have to repeat, there were no illegal moves that I saw, not by the 32' or the truck, unless you have invented a law to say it is illegal to tease or say booo to trucks
Apr 13, 4:43am
Your got to be joking, just stick to the video as that is your only evidence at this stage & even if the pos rod blew its diff, it wouldn??
Apr 13, 4:55am
whatever mapman, you certainly have a fixation with fining and throwing books etc but in all your ranting you haven't yet come up with any chargeable offence, even rr is not chargeable until you hit someone but strange you see the 32 driver as suffering rr and not the very vocal trucker, obviously his rage wasn't rr, just normal run of the mil redneck kiwi rage bit like yours
Apr 13, 5:01am
Twist and turn all you like, when your finished look at the video again and tell me you still see a different video than the rest of us.
Kiwi rage towards you! Nope its just my attitude has problems with your personality.
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