The truck vs hotrod on the hill incident

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nightboss, Apr 13, 6:24pm
Note - Tonyrockyhorror can not apply to the Skin1235 fan club.
He is already President, Secretary, Treasurer and sole member of the Tonyrockyhorror fan club, thus voiding his inclusion in any other fan club.

flat_white_ltd, Apr 13, 6:59pm
^^ .lol. reckon :)

skully13, Apr 13, 7:25pm
I watched the video again but with the sound off. It still showed the same thing. The only thing in that video that I saw to be illegal was the person in the white Nissan Navara ute that crossed over the centre line into oncoming traffic. The truck driver didn't break any laws, nor did the hotrod driver. I don't know what happened in the time leading up to the incident, but from what I saw, the hotrod guy was being a bit of a dick.

bill-robinson, Apr 13, 7:48pm
did you mean a LITTLE bit of a dick!

nightboss, Apr 13, 8:01pm
Does the hotrod drivers move not come under the following two driving category!

Drivers not to be reckless or dangerous Drivers not to be careless or inconsiderate

Based on the video evidence (all else here is undocumented speculation) the hotrod driver is clearly reckless, dangerous, careless and inconsiderate.

nightboss, Apr 13, 8:12pm
And the penalties for such behaviour (non injury):

Had the hotrod caused injury or death the penalties increase accordingly.

skin1235, Apr 13, 11:29pm
lol, I go to disc a paddock and THEN you show up
I'll keep it short for you though
not gospel but pointing out the legality/illegality differences between what happened and what most here wish had happened
something got up the ford drivers nose, wonder what that was

see, less than 40 words

skin1235, Apr 13, 11:30pm
behave in the playpen, I have milking tonight then back here for another long wait til midnight

nightboss, Apr 13, 11:35pm
Did something get up the drivers nose or did he put it there (white powder maybe).

Good to see you are smiling at my comments, it is nothing personal, I try to wind up everyone, just my nature.

skin1235, Apr 13, 11:49pm
always smiling nightboss, sometimes chuckling at what gets revealed in here, the crazies sure come out if you poke them with a stick enough times, you be careful with that nature, its related to your personality, and that has to conform, or be put down

skin1235, Apr 13, 11:55pm
please apply to said fan club, acceptance is guaranteed
it has taken me hours and reams of typing to say exactly what you said
gotta go cook some tea for her indoors, then milking, will be sure to pop back here about 10.30

nightboss, Apr 14, 12:08am
Be careful with which personality, I have multiple.

skin1235, Apr 14, 12:16am
lol, so one can conform while another doesn't
lucky bugga
take good care of the nonconformist one(s) then

nightboss, Apr 14, 12:18am
All good as long as my personalities don't argue with eachother.

i-n-horz, Apr 14, 12:24am
You could speculate until the cows come home on what may have or what may not have happened before the truck started his passing maneuver precisely and expertly at the beginning of the passing lane.
What is obvious is that the truck driver had at best performed a brilliant passing maneuver as said earlier,good run-up,passed quickly,pulled in well before lane end for followers to pass and meters ahead is another passing lane for other tailenders to pass.
One thing I'd like to speculate on is.I can almost guarantee the truckie had his indicator on well before the approach of the passing lanes.thus making for an irate little rodder thinking he was going to give it berry up the hill leading the rest of the loonies behind him.
Isn't it a shame when the value of your life and others can be measured by foolishness.we share these roads with each other and we all share the same rules and laws,big,small,long,short,slow-
or fast.your a long time dead and this life aint no rehearsal.

skin1235, Apr 14, 12:26am
so no mixed gender ones, no wanting to marry each other, or breakup with each other
boring, lol

weatherman17, Apr 14, 3:15am
I know the Driver, Yes he laid a Compaint its being dealt with ,also ive heard the dick head hot rodder was kicked out of the hot rod club

weatherman17, Apr 14, 3:56am
How would you like to contact him!I cant really give you his ph number on here. Can he contact you!

snoopy221, Apr 14, 5:21am
Afta 3 gawdam pages i'll tell ya what oi Tink-LOL
The camera in the truck made the radar detector in the 32 go OFF and poor wee limpis peniski thought he'd get pinged for 110 K so he panicked and braked to under a hundy.;;;;;;!
[After all he mighta been on is 90+ demerits]

Short version=dick-head.LOL

skin1235, Apr 14, 5:27am
yes I'm back, but not stirring this time

weatherman I advise you use caution re facilitating contact without somevery good reasons

I say this because - a couple of years ago on this board we had a lad trying to contact a person reportedly re an old auction
he was assisted and contact was made, he was later arrested for threatening to kill and (presenting!) an offensive weapon to his ex girlfriends new lover, none of his regular contacts and family would tell him how to get to the guy because they knew he was a complete nutter, but the nutter did know that he had recently sold a car via here
again, not stirring but please use caution before aiding what may appear innocent but be quite sinister in reality

skin1235, Apr 14, 6:34am
seems we have run out of comments
ah well, put this one to bed then
mapman, if you bother to check back - cheers, maybe next time we will be on the same team

I use this board to pass time, i cannot afford to be doing anything that requires unbroken attention due to other duties, so will often come here and post
If in an assist plea ( if I think I can assist ) or general comments ( like this thread)
I don't set out to offend and will often push to get a personal view rather than the stated topic view, naturally if it turns sour I do respond accordingly, but tomorrow will come soon, and we will be back, there is no need for enemies here

philltauranga, Apr 14, 6:34am
Interesting thread this has been a good read, I would really like to know WHY isxs1100so keen to get ahold of the truck driver! Would he care to explain! WHY!

weatherman17, Apr 14, 7:09am
Point taken. Thats why im responding and not the Driver

skin1235, Apr 14, 7:20am
cheers, yes be cautious, there are some real weird ones in the real world, not pretend ones like here

nightboss, Apr 14, 4:45pm
Busted me, I'm just a pretent weird one too.