Good News - CGA '93 to apply to Auctions

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oaic1, Apr 25, 9:43pm
Actually it won't. Kaz is spot on with his comments. Those people will continue to do what they do, unhindered by this law. Theres no added protection for consumers under this proposal.just a loss of choice and convenience.

bellky, Apr 25, 10:22pm
I don't expect it for nothing.

bellky, Apr 25, 10:23pm
You are correct about the abuse.

rob_man, Apr 25, 11:51pm
Oh for gods sake, I can see why you need to protected. I'll leave you alone then.

nzeva, Apr 26, 1:16am
I think this new law is a bit silly, will make the disputes tribunal A LOT busier with customers taking dealers to court when their 10 year old washing machine breaks down 1 year after buying it.
The CGA seems to contradict itself, on the one hand it says that goods must last a reasonable period of time considering their use and design life, say 10 years for a washing machine. But with the law change you can buy a 10 year old washing machine from a dealer and still expect a warranty!
If I was a dealer I'd be getting out of the 2nd hand goods market pronto!
The law change won't weed out dealers selling old/suspect goods anyway - they'll just continue selling them privately through family members and friends like they do now.

oaic1, Apr 26, 1:59am
In an auction the bidders decide how much they will pay. I don't believe for a second that you or any other bidder will think "oh, I'm covered by the CGA for this.I'll bid another 20% more because of that." Buyers willdemand the extra protection but will refuse to pay the extra cost simply because they can.
I wonder if you have actually read the bill as it is proposed or did you base your position on a 30 second sound bite from TV news! I have read it and am aware of some of the politics and vested interests behind it and I can assure you that consumer protection is the last thing some of the parties involved have in mind.

desmodave, Apr 26, 2:11am
Stop being a Bully and find yourself some other nana to upset would ya.

kaymay88, Apr 26, 2:56am
its a govt move to wipe out our ageing national fleet

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 26, 5:55pm
I don't see the need for it at any cost.

You just can't fix stupid.

bellky, Apr 26, 6:49pm
Yes I knew this was the reason for your strong objection all along.

bellky, Apr 26, 6:51pm
This thread based on '30 second sound bite' as per first post.

Please elaborate on conspiracy theory.

elect70, Apr 26, 7:37pm
If it comes inwatch what Turners do& follow their example , if there is a way they will find it .Its another back door way to get new car sales .

oaic1, Apr 26, 9:27pm
And it's also the reason you think it's good news. You think you are going to get something for nothing at the expense of all those dodgy capitalist 2nd hand traders. Yes I am a businessperson. I am also a consumer who buys things by online auction just like you and everyone else here. But firstly I am a libertarian who strongly objects to any attack on my freedom and that is the reason why I have posted all this.

As for the "conspiracy theory" I won't waste my time explaining it to you. Your own admission that you are a "hardcore lefty" tells me you are clearly not interested in hearing anything that doesnt support your position and that you will never abandon you line of thinking. Pretty much everyone else who has commented here has has figured this bill out for what it really is, probably because they have open minds and are not tied to any form of dogma .

While I admire your passion for your point of view and your dedication to debating this with me, I mourn your lack of objectivity. Never the less I thank you for your participation and urge you to do some research of your own on who and what is behind this legislation. You could start by looking at Trademe's participation and their motives.

bellky, Apr 26, 9:36pm
This post^ starts off incorrect and goes on to be unsubstantive.

Please have another try or give up.

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 26, 9:47pm
No, 'oaic1' hit the nail square on the head in all the posts.

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 26, 9:52pm

rob_man, Apr 26, 9:59pm
Yes he did. oops, was that abuse! Sorry. as you were.
Or perhaps insert a moronic emoticon in lieu of an argument.

rob_man, Apr 26, 9:59pm
Yes he did. oops, was that abuse! Sorry. as you were.

oaic1, Apr 26, 10:08pm
Please have another try or give up.[/quote]

Typical socialist response.ignore all facts and truths no matter how obvious or self evident they are, don't offer any reasoned or researched alternatives and let fly with the personal attacks.

bellky, Apr 26, 10:16pm
How ironic^.

And; you're trying to argue something unarguable.

kazbanz, Apr 26, 10:21pm
Interesting isn't it that Turners are specifically EXCLUDED from the proposed legeslation change!
A law change to"protect the consumer" is all well and good. But why target online auctions and not ALLauctions ! Don't they serve the same purpose.! Don't they take advantage of the exact same loophole in the law!
Keep in mind that EXACTLY THE SAME as small traders selling via trade meTurners import their own vehicles to sell at auction.
Turners BUY cars from the public to sell at auction.
Hmm now lets look at shareholders in companies for a moment.

kazbanz, Apr 26, 10:21pm
Interesting isn't it that Turners are specifically EXCLUDED from the proposed legeslation change!
A law change to"protect the consumer" is all well and good. But why target online auctions and not ALLauctions ! Don't they serve the same purpose.! Don't they take advantage of the exact same loophole in the law!
Keep in mind that EXACTLY THE SAME as small traders selling via trade meTurners import their own vehicles to sell at auction.
Turners BUY cars from the public to sell at auction.
Hmm now lets look at shareholders in companies for a moment.

Ohh and wait -some know it allis bound to say "Turners aren't vehicle traders"
Hmmm--lets look at that--What is a vehicle trader!
A person who BUYS and SELLS vehicles for profit.
Turners BUYvehicles from Japan and from the general public.
Turners SELL those cars to the public.
Turners Penrose even had a section where you could buy by "tender"
Hang on -"tender" --so you go look at the car. You drive the car and make them an offer to buy -
-If it smells fishy,it looks fishy and the can is branded sealord--I reckon its a good chance it is fish.--even if the can is branded --sea products similar to fish

bellky, Apr 26, 10:22pm
Since when are Turners vehicle traders! (It's an auction house)

pge, Apr 26, 10:29pm
As kazbanz said in the post above:

"Turners import their own vehicles to sell at auction.
Turners BUY cars from the public to sell at auction. "

Makes them a TRADER, under any interpretation.

bellky, Apr 26, 10:36pm
Except when they've specifically excluded. Lol.