Rotary engine

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nightboss, May 10, 2:40am
Classic avoidance behaviour you are displaying there, instead of studying you are on here chatting to very strange men, what would your mother say!

Hang on, I'll ask her.
She says get back to your studies and don't wait up for her.

nightboss, May 10, 3:13am
Will do.

Anyone for a cuppa! I need more CAFFEINE.
I'm trying to get the thread past 150 by 8:30

nightboss, May 10, 4:27am
Keep singing. I am still listening.

vingina, May 10, 4:30am
Munch munch pistons for lunch.

fordkiwi27, May 10, 4:37am

nightboss, May 10, 4:45am
Judge not lest ye be judged.

fordkiwi27, May 10, 5:00am
weirdos! frordzie!

doomy999, May 10, 5:11am
dont sweat it mate.
Some people live in lollipop land and dream of dressing up dolls and playing with pixies and fairy's.
It takes all sorts to make a world. Even the lalalalalallalalalalalalalala types. lol If we can ignore, Im sure you'll find they go play doctors and nurses and take their bubby wubby talky walky else where. Little bubbies will soon get bored eventually. God at least I hope so. Lets keep our fingers crossed eh Tim!

fordkiwi27, May 10, 5:20am

nightboss, May 10, 6:07am
You had me conned there for a minute with that rant, but I see through your ruse.
It is obvious by your continued involvement that you really want to keep the conversation going, is it perhaps the only spark in your otherwise boring existence.
If you are Mr. Grumpy all your life you will have a short life.
Laugh at others and at yourself, it is good for the soul.

nightboss, May 10, 7:59am
It is always safe, don't let the bullies shut you down.
Live by your own standards not their ones.

nightboss, May 11, 12:17am
If you spend equal time in both North and South Islands Frankie, does that make you an Interisland Fairy!

savanna19, May 11, 1:17am
what the hell does this have to do with rotarys utta slop wtf

doomy999, May 11, 1:23am
Please ensure the rear passenger window is up before barfing out the drivers window. lol

nightboss, May 11, 1:41am
Rule 47, d, ii. "All threads that have been idle for 48 hours are available for re-use on any subject members wish, provided the original poster agrees."

This rule was enacted by the poster @ posting 39.

jmma, May 11, 1:45am
These two probably use the Rotary device kept in the bedside drawer (o:

nightboss, May 11, 1:52am
Your postings are a window into the workings of your mind.

My postings show that I have multiple personalities.
What do your posting reveal about you!

jmma, May 11, 1:54am
That I dislike all 4 or 5 of you when you're writing this dribble (o:

savanna19, May 11, 2:01am
alot of dribble

nightboss, May 11, 2:04am
If you dislike what all of me are writing answer this simple question.

Why do you keep bumping to the top of the list this thread!

You must enjoy the replies or you would stop soliciting them.

savanna19, May 11, 2:06am
put it back to the right topic a

savanna19, May 11, 2:08am
pics or it didnt happen

savanna19, May 11, 2:22am
sorry but thats in my parents erra hahaha

savanna19, May 11, 2:37am
erra i think

savanna19, May 11, 2:52am
u say tomato i say spud actualy