Your going homo even though your name is the nightboss! makes no sence
May 9, 6:40am
My preferences past, present and future are 100% hetro. I don't prejudice those that are of other persuations, as long as they are honest with themselves.
Throwing the word Homo at someone is the surest sign of deeply hidden desires and insecurities, do yourself a favour and don't reveal your inner self like that.
Being honest with yourself will free your tormented soul.
May 9, 6:40am
I see what you did there
May 9, 6:51am
If chook cookers were that good every car manufacturer would be making them, but no lol!
May 9, 7:02am
Indeed lol!
May 9, 7:50am
Yeah and if pushrod V8s were that good every car manifacturer would be making them, but no lol! not anymore haha
May 9, 8:14am
Oh that's right, this is a motoring thread, back on subject.
Is it true that Mazda will soon make it's last rotary powered vehicle!
May 9, 8:53am
Yeah right.
And I do not know personaly but you could ask all of the high ranking employes that have said that muiltiple times each year from about the 1970's untill today haha yet "wankle chicken cookers" keep on rotating year after year!
May 9, 9:35am
Correct spelling is Wankel not Wankle.
Does that make drivers of rotary powered cars Wankelists or Wankelers!
Is a salesman of them a wankelsman or a Wankeliser!
If you put one in another car brand are you reWankeling the vehicle or just being a handyman!
Are engine rebuilders that specialise in Wankels called Wankelators!
If you have a very large collection of Wankels do you deserve a big hand or have you got one already!
Is it true that the best lube for your rotor seals is petrolium jelly (vaseline) and Wankelers always carry a pot of it as it comes-in-handy!
May 9, 9:38am
Just finished watching recording of Sons from last night. My favourite program at the moment. Good to see Tara getting her attitude on. - Enjoy
May 9, 9:40am
Off to snoreland now, see you next time, Dude-Ess.
May 9, 3:02pm
Strange thread is strange
May 9, 3:32pm
Any1 lonely much
May 9, 4:56pm
You two are gold (Frankie nightboss), thanks for making my day so early in the morning! Lubs yas.
May 9, 5:23pm
Still sore from all those times wrong and embarrassed - pride still tender.
May 9, 8:09pm
Happy to be of amusement to you and others, well those that recognise humour and don't take everything too serious.
Great news, my insanity has been diagnosed as of the temporary and intermittent type (self diagnosis with the help of google and wikipedia). It is caused by the rotating shiftwork, triggered by liars and morons and the only known treatment is to go on the attack against the triggers. So I am trolling these message boards and self treating as often as possible.
If any of you morons and liars want to help me with my recovery just keep posting your dribble on the motoring message boards.
May 9, 8:19pm
Good call there nightboss - there's nothing like a good troll to soothe the soul.
May 9, 8:31pm
god I reckon.
wonder if they send each other flowers.
May 9, 8:37pm
Why, we have nothing to hide, if you are offended don't look.
May 9, 8:45pm
No to flowers, yuk, coloured weeds that turn to compost in under a week. What kind of message is that to send to someone you like, "this future compost reminds me of you".
We send eachother good vibes, and that is not the type of vibe that takes batteries,
May 9, 10:02pm
I was pining hard for you Frankie.
May 10, 12:51am
I'm back.
May 10, 1:08am
Sorry I though sandpit day was Friday. I will get on to it now.
I saw a ugly little red dog with no nuts making a fool of itself in the cool Jap car thread earlier. I think I will tease that mutt again. Not certain it is a dog though, it might be a fox.
May 10, 1:48am
Can you list all these times when thats been the case! no because your talking about yourself haha. Ohh wait thats right the long standing Skyline thread haha
May 10, 2:00am
"No particular reason" sure, you want my Ritalin.
Suspected but never tested, when I was at school they called ADHD students hyperactive kids.
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