Tips for diesel upkeep

finlight, Apr 28, 3:10am
wanting to keep my diesel 2wd in good nick anything i can add to motor etc that keeps everything running well thankyou

intrade, Apr 28, 3:16am
yea use a diesel additive in the fuel tank at all times. cheap is chemtech and for japanese winns edt flashlube that claim to prevent fuel seal shrinkage.
other then that do oil changes and fuel filter changes on time and new aircleaner also when its time to change . What diesel do you got exactly thats about all older diesel will need.

franc123, Apr 28, 3:30am
Good quality oil and filters are the key, as are fuel and air filters, and changing them regularly. Especially if its a latish model CR diesel, most of the manufacturers recommendations for changing fuel filters in the service books are nonsense and are written for overseas, in NZ you need to be doing them twice as often otherwise expect blocked injectors, some of which can't be overhauled and cost serious bucks to replace.

j&cmcg, Apr 28, 4:22am
I use Bartol in with the oil change, used in all our trucks which do approx 300000 k a year no engine dramas.Been advised by our mechanics to never ever use those diesel additives like wynns etc in my hilux. They just a waste of cash.Biggest is just keep well up on the oil changes and no drama, buy from two or bnt as way cheaper than repco etc

intrade, Apr 28, 4:35am
j&cmcg you put some crap in your engine oil top moron your mechanic. or maybe he is smart and gets loads of work. morons put stuff in there engine oil because they dont buy good engine oil. the last thing i ever would add in my tdi vw is a additive in engine oil when i already use the best possibile long live oil to vw bmw standards.

j&cmcg, Apr 28, 4:45am
Well considering we do over 5 mil Kim's in the fleet per year he can't be too much or a "moron" can he.And a vw.No wonder the attitude

snowy, Apr 28, 5:24am
Hey my misses let my mavrick (GQPatrol) diesel run out of fuel im pretty sure thier was water in the thank as i put fuel in primed at primer pump started went to servo put in more fuel started drove bout 5km down road heap of smoke n conked out machenic couldnt start it so i took out the tank cleaned it blew lines out with compressor new fuel. two filters first one had more water in it got all water out i think (after burning out starter twice) got clean fuel coming out lines into injectors but still wont kick even cleaned injectors can you bled the fuel pump itself