Petrol Navara inlet manifold.

gizmsme, Apr 30, 7:54pm
I have a 89 navara running jap spec z16 petrol engine, Having all the usual smog gear i would like to replace carb and manifold with something a bit more simple and get around the problems i am having with poor economy and bad running.Can someone suggest (not guess)another manifold and carb that will bolt on!Cheers.

pettal, May 1, 3:36am
Before going to that extreme ,does the engine get up to a goodtemp ! , if not a new thermostat is in order and does the ute have a Cat convertor ! , if so remove it or at least take it out and punch a hole through it ,- these two things have helped greatly with a NA16 I had .

skin1235, May 1, 3:55am
there is a blardy great pipe that runs from the exhaust around the back of the engine to the inlet manifold
find it, grab the best pair of vice grips you've got, cut that pipe and crimp the ends, and yes as above ditch the cat

gizmsme, May 1, 4:00am
Have remove egr, temp fine, done aqll the usual things. Carb had vac hoses and electric crap all over it.I'd love to find a nz carb off a 180b, 510 1600 or anything that will bolt on and work properly.No cat in pipe.

skin1235, May 1, 4:03am
bump this again late tomorrow, have an old datsun 720 4wd holding up a tree out the back, not sure if it is 2 lt or 1600, but is complete, if it has a carb that will fit you can have the beast

skin1235, May 1, 4:04am
but think now the 720 WAS 2 lt

gizmsme, May 1, 4:08am
ok, cheers for that.I think the z16 engine is quite odd, very little info about them and even fewer parts about.

gizmsme, May 2, 2:08am
Has anyone got any idea's please!

gizmsme, May 14, 6:19pm
Fitted a carboff a early 4g32 mitsi, problem solved. Thanks to those that offered help.

guest, Jul 9, 11:01pm
I have a nissan navara with the same motor NA16 and it is revving too high when you first start it and does not settle down for ages I am told it is a electrical choke is this right when it first started to do it all I had to do was kick the trottle and it lowered the revs however now that does not work if I do a short run and turn it of it pre-ignites so it must be getting to much fuel [email protected]