If a car was written off by an insurance company then sold at auction for parts (rego still live) can it be rebuilt and onsold! Secondly, winding back odometers is definately illegal right!
May 4, 2:03am
Yes. Not necessarily
May 4, 2:03am
Yes and yes although insurance co's normally de-registar them all these days.
May 4, 2:04am
If I wind back the odo on my petrol car, and don't sell it on, what law have I broken!
May 4, 3:08am
Or If my odometer breaks, and I purchase another cluster and wind back that odometer to reflect the actual distance my vehicle has been driven, then the odometer windback is not illegal.
May 4, 8:22pm
You can do anything you like with odometers. You can even wind it back and sell it, but you must disclose that it has been wound back.
May 5, 9:33pm
Haven't seen an ins write off with plates for years.Do see theg odd recovered vehicle with plates but not accident damaged write offs.If it's still got live plates more likely that insurance coy declind cover and ita a private sale.
May 5, 9:51pm
My brother had a honda integra that was 'bottled'. Insurance co wrote it off but left it registered and it was auctioned. I told him to buy it back as the only thing wrong with it was all the little dints looked like it had been through a decent hailstorm, but he decided it was to much of a magnet lol
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