4d56 mits experts help please. If everything else is fine with engine but the balance belt timing is set up wrong on an early 19
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May 9, 7:17pm
i'm confident its not that as you'd need to deliberately reshape at least 2 of the pipes radically-and it all looks 'naturally' (factory) shaped, plus that would mean it would be down on at least 2 cylinders and this thing has reasonable power (for a 4d56 non turbo.) and actually smooths out to an acceptable level over about 1100 rpm-which wouldnt happen in that case.cheers for that though, cos you never know.
May 9, 9:05pm
The pipes swap easily at the bottom end. The toyota ran slightly rough, down on power, a bit of grey smoke some times. other times just black like you'd expect from a down on power diesel. The toyota sounded like and seemed like it was running on three. I think some fuel must have been injected on one cylinders intake and then been able to ignite with the heat and so gave some power. It sounded a lot like your symptoms, and the scenerio is the same too. He had just done a head job himself in the back yard, with the sons helping.
May 9, 9:09pm
they self bleed pipes only go on one way
sorry take covers offand check all timing marks5 of them ill check I found good photo on net it was very handy the belt guide on one of my pulleys has slop in it which makes it a bit of a guess as to where mark lines up
Well after deciding that it's way too rough to be caused by balance timing being out-combined with the fact that i'm practically certain it was set correctly and double-checked after rotating the engine, i ran engine and took it for a drive to double-check what the power was like (as part of diagnosing/ruling certain things in/out) and it was going kinda ok (albeit with a slightly discernible metallic noise (it was hard to be conclusive as to whether or not it was more noise than it should make as it's a diesel and they normally sound comparable to a couple of skeletons making love in a bathtub), anyway it was driving ok (only rough at idle really), when it made a loudish 'clank', so towed it home and this time it has broken one rocker shaft mounting bolt, snapped the rocker shaft itselfwhere another mounting bolt passes thru it, and cracked one cam bearing cap and broken another into two pieces.I'm starting to think the pistons must be punching the valves up (the valves run directly vertical to pistons on these engines so fortunately they'll a fair bit less likely to bend valves and/or damage pistons) but i'm sure i checked the valve protrusion on the piston side against the previous head before fitting it. I didnt do any homework on the head gasket thickness (being a petrol mechanic im not used to this being so crucial-or there even being options on thickness).Hmmm.what to do.what to do.
May 10, 2:09pm
Write the customer out a cheque for a new engine and walk away from it. It sounds like your inexperience is going to cost both you and your customer a whole lot more if you keep working on it.
May 10, 6:25pm
So did you ever actually check and confirm whether the balance shaft was correctly timed!
May 10, 7:26pm
Not at this stage and there is something more major afoot so i'll pull the head off and remove front covers and check all from scratch to find root cause. On the face of it i suspect head gasket thickness but will look closely at everything which could possible cause symptons.
May 10, 7:39pm
Not necessarily at all. I have a lot of experience, just not with these particular engines/diesels in general-however, a lot is the same and i'm sure i can nail it if i'm methodical. And the rest of the engine is fine to my knowledge.
May 10, 9:00pm
I would make sure you 100% confirm the balance shaft timing before you strip it all down, so you know for sure either way. to be fair, I doubt it would cause the failure described, but you never know with a vibration
May 10, 9:09pm
For the life of me i cannot believe what i am reading. Nope-not going to take ya hand and lead ya to the plug-clearly as described it is at the side of the engine block where the balance shaft is aye! As to removing the head-and then checking the timing!- Reality is the engine is built and timed as a unit which has 2 no1 cylnder Top Dead Centres-hence why so many get the shaft 180 degrees out. Incedentaly-.the BIG kicker here is! WHEN you KNOW if the balance shaft is timed right or wrong.
THEN ya can start looking at piston grading and head gasket groupings.
[Or follow NZTOOLS advice-and me and **IM** donna argue much)
May 10, 9:28pm
Whatever, but i KNOW that balance alone wont break a rocker shaft and bearing cap into two pieces and will be checking it anyway, but im not stupid enough to expect it not to fail again even if i found and fixed incorrect balance timing-which, incidently, im more sure is actually correct than i am about gasket thickness
May 10, 9:34pm
If ya teach an apprentice-ya teach em-if they are told to undo a bolt and check something and they reply **whatever**
How can you teaqch them to measure piston protrusion and grading on a diesel and not fit the wrong head gasket and smash the rocker shaft-after ya've bent valves and got a 3 cyl idle!
###Outa here##
May 10, 9:35pm
Honestly the symtoms you described prior to the breakdown sound like the balance shaft. Who knows what the flow on effect is of all that vibration. What it boils down to is how are you going to fix if you haven't looked at the basics!
May 10, 11:36pm
I WILL be checking the all basics, however i wont be hanging my hat on the balance timing causing top end breakages.
May 10, 11:38pm
P.s i really hope no one thinks im unappreciative of their time and effort because thats certainly not the case.
May 11, 12:38am
Gudgeon play! When you check the piston heights, there might be one down a bit, and, when you turn the motor over top dead you may notice the low piston lags before going down.
May 11, 12:39am
And yeah, I agree, the balance shaft is not going to cause the rocker damage.
May 11, 1:10am
that's a really good point, and one which could explain things. Also a very easily overlooked one. I'll be sure to look for that.
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