Subaru engine cutting out

frank1, May 7, 11:23pm
Have been told its an ign switch prob.
Its from what I am told a 92 twin turbo model.
Belongs to a neighbor.Any ideas!

jason18, May 7, 11:25pm
Does it cut out while driving! Idling etc.

frank1, May 7, 11:30pm
Driving,.engine hot or cold

jamstew, May 8, 12:07am
92 twin turbo! are we sure!

beast9, May 8, 12:10am
try cleaning the mass air flow meter and alos check the fuel pump as it could be an intermittent fault there to

frank1, May 8, 12:39am
Jamstew--owner just informed me its a 250t--non turbo--2500 cc

frank1, May 8, 12:40am
and its a 1995 model

a.woodrow, May 8, 12:57am
Are you sure it's even a subaru!!

frank1, May 8, 1:57am
Can only go by what model i am told--if owner doesn''t know how do i!
thanks for your positive input woodrow--idiot!~!

tiffnp, May 8, 2:30pm
You going to get alot of help with an attitude like that frank1

Best thing to do is take it to an auto electrician and have them put a code reader on it, they should spot the problem with in minutes if the reader picks it up.