04 pulsar 1.8 drinks oil

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appleman71, Apr 12, 4:02am
how can i slow the appetite for oil!

thunderbolt, Apr 12, 4:06am
Depends where it is going.
What is the rate of consumption: up to 1 lite per thousand KM is considered normal.
Blowing smoke! if so when!

High Km, maybe a thicker grade.

foxdonut, Apr 12, 4:06am
Launch the car into space via Roscosmos or NASA!

morrisman1, Apr 12, 4:13am
under what circumstances!

It would be completely unacceptable to have to put 15L of oil in any car between oil changes.

For the record, my 1991 nissan with 300,000km on the clock and original engine doesn't use a drop between the 10,000km services. I use a good quality 10w40 too so no thick treacle either.

a.woodrow, Apr 12, 4:53am
Toyota's specifications for oil consumption is 1L per 1000km.
But personally I think more than 1 litre per 10,000km is excessive

andrea_w, Apr 12, 4:54am
Step 1 - find out where it's leaking from
Step 2 - fix the leak

a.woodrow, Apr 12, 5:02am
Also, how much is it using! how much do you put in between servicing, and are you servicing on time! (if you're overdue for a service, you can quite often burn through that old dirty oil)

johnf_456, Apr 12, 5:11am
Also are you sure your not over filling it, because over filling will make it burn!

appleman71, Apr 12, 5:23am
car has 250k on it, no leaks,town driving,seems better using 30/70 grade ,always serviced on time.

a.woodrow, Apr 12, 5:29am
how much oil is it using - and what is 30/70 grade!

appleman71, Apr 12, 5:40am
30/70 grade oil,2 litres per1000 k

thunderbolt, Apr 12, 5:43am
used to be able to get 30/40, now I think 20W50 is about the thickest common oil around.


a.woodrow, Apr 12, 5:47am
hmm still no idea on that one. Suggest you try 15w40 instead

a.woodrow, Apr 12, 5:49am
There must be plumes of smoke out the back!!

appleman71, Apr 12, 5:51am
yep penrite 30/70 designed to replace 20/50

appleman71, Apr 12, 5:52am
drinks 15/40 faster

a.woodrow, Apr 12, 5:55am
Yep just googled it.

Look, if you haven't got an oil leak and your using 2L per 1000, there's something seriously wrong. I wouldn't run an oil that thick in an 04. what was the grade you were running before! Doesn't sound like changing the grade of oil will help, sounds like a visit to the mechanic. I don't even think you could go through that much with worn rings or stem seals. Is it blowing bad out the back!

carmedic, Apr 12, 3:10pm
On an old Mitsubishi maybe.

ashwattau, Apr 12, 4:13pm
30W-70 is treacle. You can get it from Repco stores in a Penrite labeled bottle.

I have used it to successfully reduce blue smoke enough to get my old Mitsubishi van through a warrant. Made the engine run noticably more sluggish so we promptly refilled engine with the normal grade.

bellky, Apr 12, 4:15pm
If it's using 2l of 30/70 per 1000km then take it to the dump and spare other road users from the stink!

nzfatie, Apr 12, 4:28pm
Normally Nissans can do very high km's without excessive oil use, all depends on how well they were looked after from new, with regular oil changes.
If yours hasn't been well looked after (a jap import!) the motor is probably worn out now.
Best to put 20/50 oil in it with Nulon stop smoke and sell it ASAP.
The thicker oil won't help much and makes your car sluggish, not good for the hydraulic lifters either!

shaun16, Apr 12, 5:22pm
i've got a 91 primera with 230000 k's on it. the car has had a hard life. still doesnt use a drop of oil between changes and i use 10/40 in it

supernova2, Apr 12, 6:04pm
Our sr18de has over 230000 and it's driven very hard.Never ever uses any oil and its run on whatever I've got on hand at the time.20/70 - how do you pour that out of the container - maybe you pop it into the oven and heat it to a couple hundy degrees.Its probable that the oil is so thick that the oil rings cant cope.Probably run much better with a 10/30 or something similar.

a.woodrow, Apr 12, 6:40pm
Sell it!! How would you feel if you were tricked into buying it!

I think OP should just have a look for a used motor, surely an 04 model is worth fixing up if a motor can be sourced

elect70, Apr 12, 9:26pm
Ex panelbeater mate had smoky oldmitsimirageused so much oil he only put used stuff in he got free1l to every 200 km .Finally dumped itnow got old merc uses1/2 L 1000 kbut buyscheapest oil for it .