Is a trailer a motor vehicle?

anchored, Apr 3, 8:49pm
'did operate a motor vehicle . by driving or using the motor vehicle on a road when not licensed etc etc.' When parked at the boat ramp.!

bellky, Apr 3, 8:52pm
I havn't found LTSA definition yet but wouldn't it need a motor!

smac, Apr 3, 8:56pm

anchored, Apr 3, 9:01pm
Poster 1 exactly my thoughts. Poster 2 does it! Darn. My son has the said trailer at his place, which is 200metres from the boat ramp, I was 2 weeks over buying the new rego and posting it to him, and didn't realise they had got a ticket until the council sent the reminder to me. Yes the rego was 10 days over. But . ouch $200.00 fine

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 3, 9:50pm
Yes. The definition in the Land Transport Act 1998 includes a trailer.

elect70, Apr 3, 10:12pm
Whataholesdoing over boat ramps .Thats lowgreedy revenuebasteds

therafter1, Apr 3, 10:29pm
Yep, as everyone gets the speed message the revenue stream is drying up so they are chasing the difference at other sources . the whole thing is about revenue, always has been and always will be . mongrels !

countrypete, Apr 4, 12:19am
Let me get this straight.The trailer was parked in a carpark at the boat rampand a council "meter maid" gave it a ticket for no rego!

gedo1, Apr 4, 12:28am
Now that's interesting!So the "revenue chasing" as a means of cutting down on speed infringements is working!.Hit us in the pocket and we take notice!So it's not just revenue gathering then. it's a viable means of enforcing the law!darn!

rob_man, Apr 4, 12:56am
Was low level speeding ever really a problem that needed addressing though!
Did the ad campaigns have the desired effect on your psyche! Sounds like they did.

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 4, 1:09am
Exactly. It wasn't ever a problem. It was just easy to target.

gmphil, Apr 4, 1:13am
Soretwo of them checking cars out side a primary as the parents rock up at 3

gmphil, Apr 4, 1:14am
Half moon bay! Like vultures there

socram, Apr 4, 3:48am
Interesting.Fine appears to be the same as for a powered vehicle, yet it needs a vehicle to move it.

It occupies road space, therefore I suppose it has to have a valid rego, in just the same way as an immobile car with a stuffed engine parked outside does.

anchored, Apr 4, 3:55am
Pilot Bay, Mt Maunganui. So socram you saying if you leave your unusable vehicle on the grass verge you have to mow they can ticket it!