cant seem to find where from, but is bad. Drying it out now.Anyone had this problem!
Mar 31, 8:45pm
does it have a spoiler know the falcon ones leak from there.
Mar 31, 8:48pm
no spoiler.
Mar 31, 9:58pm
Our AU2 XR6 leaked in boot every time I lifted the bootlid got about a cup of water fall straight into boot area, I also thought it was the spolier, removed it silcon and new gaskets problem fixed ! NO WAY it wasnt spolier so car went back to Avoncity ford who said " these spoilers dont leak into boot its the number plate screws on to boot lid "" so went home took them both out smeared slicon on them replaced and also smeared slicon on inside of lid where screw poke thru .problem fixed! YES and it hasnt leaked since been dry for last 6 months and car stays outside in all weather
Mar 31, 10:25pm
possibly rust under rear window rubber!
Mar 31, 10:32pm
Check the tail lights, VR VS and VTs were well known for this. They actually leak through the lense itself.Does your taillight have water in it!
Mar 31, 11:28pm
I was told by the holden mechanic I used to take it to, that the water pools in the gutter area by the hinge then overwhelms the seal.
Apr 1, 12:12am
all vr-vs do it
Apr 1, 12:16am
lol - it's a feature!
Apr 1, 2:54am
check both rear body 1/4 windows behind rear doors. Had a bad habit of leaking in earlier models (VP) & simple case of taking window out & resealing
Apr 1, 6:40pm
# 7 is correct - also if you park downhill. Easy fix is to drill a hole in the spare wheel well. I have never had the problem since.
Apr 1, 7:26pm
Yep I agree with this (and tail lights but not as common as 1/4 windows), take out the boot trim- you'll need 2 people a torch and a hose, start low with hose and move up, person in boot (with boot closed!) with torch should be able to find the leak.
Apr 1, 7:46pm
But remove spare wheel first. for obvious reasons.
Apr 1, 7:49pm
Yup, keep it simple. Find the source of the leak.
Apr 1, 8:24pm
hey OP! theirs half your problem there., it's a holden (cheeky-grin)
Apr 1, 11:35pm
Thats why Holden started making Commodore utes after several years after the kingswood style ute there was no ute available.because Holden got tired of trying to keep the rear window and boot lid from leaking!
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