Vehicle compliance

dyln.sampson, Apr 1, 1:44am
I'm considering buying a ford falcon off trademe but it's deregistered the seller said he took it for a wof in January and it passed but because it had no registration and as it had lapsed for so long it's now dereged.

My question is . How do I go about getting it new plates! He says it passed a wof so I assum it shouldn't have a problem passing standards for compliance. How much does this cost!


supernova2, Apr 1, 1:54am
How old is the falcon!Just cause it passed a wof might not mean it will pass compliance.I start with a budget of about a grand and go up from there.

dyln.sampson, Apr 1, 1:58am
2003 ford xr6

gmphil, Apr 1, 1:59am
my commy cost me $450 to comply

dyln.sampson, Apr 1, 2:16am
What yr was it! And how many k"s did it have when u got ur commu done!

gmphil, Apr 1, 2:18am
last year ,its a 96 vs 160 thou on clock

supernova2, Apr 1, 2:18am
I'd be asking why a 2003 vehicle has been off the road for so long.If the response is something like "I forgot" I run a million miles unless its dirt cheep.Who lets the rego lapse on a less than 10 year old car!Who can afford to have a 10yr old car set about unused for that long!Maybe I'm too chicken but I'd be very suspicious.

bashfulbro, Apr 1, 2:31am
He said it passed !, I took my vehicle for a WOF check , just last Friday, and they told me i can not have a WOF check on an unregistered vehicle, i had to register it first.

supernova2, Apr 1, 2:40am
Can't be bothered checking the rules but i can see no reason why I can't pay for a wof check and have one done on anything.Different story as to if I can have the sticker issued though.After all a check is only that, in theroy I could take a cardboard box in and have it checked - it wouldn't pass or maybe these days it might depending on where I took it.

supernova2, Apr 1, 2:41am
Wot's the auction number!

dyln.sampson, Apr 1, 2:43am
It's been off the road because the owner had gone over seas and this was given to the brother who didn't bother to register it.

sandypheet, Apr 1, 2:49am
Wrong,it has to have a wof before getting rego.

babcorp, Apr 1, 2:49am
It's an XT not an XR.
I'd say its been thrashed.

fryan1962, Apr 1, 2:49am
i have been quoted $800 for old car

dyln.sampson, Apr 1, 2:54am
Yd u say that!

bitsy_boffin, Apr 1, 2:55am
No, you are wrong.

You are mistaking registration (having live number plates), and continuous vehicle licence (having a valid bit of paper in your window).

One can not get a WOF for a vehicle that is not registered ( does not have live plates ).

Don't feel too bad,a lot of people get confused, because of the colloquialism of calling the continuous vehicle licence your "rego".

howie69, Apr 1, 2:59am
Compliance can be a mine field. I suggest you get a knowledgeable Ford mechanic familiar with compliance standards to check it over. These cars have a history of rust in all sorts of places and could become a problem to comply. Given that it is deregistered then you would want to get it for five k or thereabouts to cover any potential issue. I had a car put through a wof check and it passed okay but was rejected by compliance people who required non wof issues fixed. It can be and was expensive. I am a Ford owner, so not biased against the car however I do advise caution, but if it checks out for the right money you could have a great car.

supernova2, Apr 1, 3:04am
I've bought fresh imports before without rego plates.The wof was on the window.Rego plates etc issued upon purchase.So sandypheet is correct- as I would expect him to be!

sandypheet, Apr 1, 3:16am
I dont feel bad bitsy.

supernova2, Apr 1, 3:16am
Licence expired 18 Oct 10 yet wof check on 19 Jul 11 at 123195kn.

Km now stated as 125000.

Looks like done a bit of running about with no reg.Given the list of "add ons" I'd agree with babcorp.

If you really serious offer to pay the compliance test fee as part of the purchase conditions.If it fails then you know where your at.

I'd run away!Fast

supernova2, Apr 1, 3:22am
I no Ford expert but just what is a "BA XT FA"!

dyln.sampson, Apr 1, 3:30am
U guys make a point mayb I'll stay away unless it's for 5k id probably consider it. Cheers I think I'd stick with cars with a reg and wof lol

snj11, Apr 1, 3:32am
at $9k ono id run a mile, its a base model with untastful bits put on it and compliance can be a mine field, for similar money you can have something like this ready to roll

bashfulbro, Apr 1, 4:16am
Yes, sorry, i was the wrong way around, i had to WOF, before i could register.