Ive got a Ford Transit 2.4l diesel motorhome that's done 120k. When I start it from cold after not using it for a month or so it smokes badly for about 2 minutes, until it starts to warm. Once warm its totally clear exhaust, No rattles or anything else unusual. Should I be worried or get anything checked or is it just lack of use! Advice appreciated. Cheers, Tony
May 31, 10:53pm
Blue, black, or white smoke!
Jun 1, 12:38am
My guess fuel enrichment, the cold start device,if the trail is light blue , it would only be black under load , so more likely nothing to worry about. just a guess. depending as poster abovesaid what colour!not forgettinggrey also lol 2.4 isn't a2lt toyota engine in it !To cold start acold diesel will use aglow plug /heat box / orfuel enrich to assistcold startingwhile cylindercompression builds up. not sure what engine you have! if the engine hasn't been running for a whileand takes a fair cranking to get the diesel up assuming its primed up , the residual fuel will be simply burning offleaving a light bluesmoke trail.
Jun 1, 1:03am
.could just be built up condensation due to sitting unused for extended periods.
Jun 1, 1:21am
Right firstly I am not A mechanic!
I have A diesol vehicle that blew smoke.
I was told by one who knows to -- change my air filter,take the vehicle for A drive with foot flat down and thrash the hell out of it!
Smoke billowed out the back end for A while and now its OK!.
Jun 1, 3:08am
normal,sell them and they all do it.jf
Jun 1, 3:13am
What year transit! sounds like the 96 with a the fuel heater inlet heater. that only work in sub zero temperatures. If it is post back and I will tell you how you can overcome this problem!
Jun 1, 6:39am
its normal to smoke when parked up for longer make sure you shut the engine off hot. meaning the engine and exhaust have reached operation temperature, or you will end up with a damaged engine and rusted out exhaust one day. Also you should check and delet the EGR emission system and clean out the intake if possibile. Depending on make and model of engine this can be easy hard or not possibile. like some mercedes have egr built in to the head, Also a Diesel additive like chemtech is recommended unless you wish expensive repairs on the engine. Bosch injection system are also more reliable the lucas crap.
Jun 1, 6:43am
i hope you only done that when the engine was warm not from cold. also never shut off a engine redhot. or the turbo can seeze up its why japas all have had turbotimers fitted to prevent seezing of chargers.
Jun 1, 2:57pm
The later Transits { no offenceintended )are known as a Hand Grenade, not the Grenada tho lol & they knock like heck . God i just woke up & got my memory back!lol friday was hell! underpowered at 2.4lL & a miss matched engine, bit like the 2.5L in the landrover disco , with the hefty body to lugg around.No wonder the OP went quiet , Every thing with those engines are normal . lol sorryOP
Jun 1, 2:57pm
The later Transits { no offenceintended )are known as a Hand Grenade, not the Grenada tho lol & they knock like heck . God i just woke up & got my memory back!lol friday was hell! underpowered at 2.4lL & a miss matched engine, bit like the 2.5L in the landrover disco , with the hefty body to lugg around.No wonder the OP went quiet , Every thing with hisengine isnormal . lol sorryOP
Jun 2, 12:47am
No offense intended . but the later transit diesels were known as ford wet motors because the oil would continue to seep out of the engines even after they had been rebuilt and new gaskets fitted, I made the mistake once of asking why they leaked and much to the guys amusement he stated the oil was leaving the transit to look for a better motor to get into.
I wouldn't panic to much if the smoke clears after a short time.,
Jun 2, 4:04am
Diesel as well as petrol both go off over time, i wouldn't be concerned about it as it soon clears. we often have gear thats been parked up full of fuel and then run get smokey, once they have done a few days and had a few fills of new fuel they then run clear all the time.
Jun 5, 2:50am
monster34.LOL "oil leaving transit to look for a better motor to get into". Mister Bella likes that one!
Jun 5, 3:03am
Driving an 06 trany, 220,000km does the same, will let you know when it blows, then you should know roughly how long you have.
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