why do they not make diesel outboard engines! i would have thought some of the new small turbo diesel engines would have been up to the task, do they not rev high enough! too heavy!
Jun 1, 3:49am
Apparently Yanmar make some smaller (up to 40hp!) diesel outboards but they tend to be sold more in 3rd World markets. With the huge jump in common rail / diesel turbo technology I??
Jun 1, 3:56am
yes i too would gladly ditch my 2 stroke for a diesel alternative, i wonder if there is reluctance from the main brands to basically throw away all there years of r&d and head in a new direction, imagine the range you would get out of a couple of 25 litre totes.
Jun 1, 4:05am
Italians make a great diesel outboard called a Rugerinna. I used to have a 40 HP about 20 years ago.
Jun 1, 4:20am
As above, I'd definitely go for a diesel over my 2 stroke Johnson.
Jun 1, 4:23am
If I were you, I would go on a public forum discussing my 'two stroke Johnson'!
Jun 1, 4:23am
If I were you, I wouldn't go on a public forum discussing my 'two stroke Johnson'!
Jun 1, 4:49am
I came across a boat about 20 years ago with a diesel outboard (in South Africa). Apparently the manufacturer discontinued these as they were too heavy, amongst a few other issues. Wonder whether we'll be charged WUC's in NZ if diesel outboards were introduced here.
Jun 1, 4:50am
I don't think that way your thinking.
Lol, But anyway nothing wrong with those old 2 strokes! Very reliable motors, never missed a beat, easy to get parts for. My mate has a Suzuki 1991 model I think he said he has a mission trying to get all parts for it.
Jun 1, 4:55am
johnf_456 wrote: I don't think that anyway your thinking.quote]
C'mon John, it's Friday night. It's only a joke.
Jun 1, 5:02am
Honda had a diesel outboard, I saw one on a catamaran about 20 years ago.
Jun 1, 5:04am
I don't think Yanmar make them anymore, Yank EPA would not allow them in the States. Google Yanmar Diesel Outboard, lots of reading in a similar vein
Jun 1, 5:13am
I would throw my hat in the 'power to weight' ring for this one, but as a previous poster mentioned, modern diesel tech is pretty damn good these days. It would be pretty hard to match the light weight / high output of a petrol 2 stroke however, so the diesel would need to be very very efficient to compete as it sure wouldn't be cheaper to buy
Jun 1, 5:15am
What about the best of both worlds! A small two stroke diesel.(apart from the enormous noise of course, but surely that could be managed these days on a small engine)
Jun 1, 5:28am
i am looking for diesel outboards since years and yes yanmar used to make 2 models that are no longer made now. the cilnder head was 1 peace , and the problem with diesel outboard used to always be exessive KG to heavy its whythe yanmar had a zilinderhead and piston sleeve as 1 peace i would guess to save waight but this also brings along problems to repair one day.
Jun 1, 8:03pm
Star in China make 2 small ones 10hp and 6 hp I think . Most will not meet the us enviromental standards that why we do not see many larger ones Yanmar no longer make them due to polution requirements
Jun 1, 8:20pm
You have to spell out to him what a 'joke' is.
Jun 1, 10:35pm
More common in the "Islands" where petrol standards and supply are not what they are in other parts of the world. Some run on Kero, too.
Jun 2, 1:50am
They still make and have alot of inboard diesels.So don't know not a outboard or mybe it needs a muffler
That would make sense on afishing boat,big fuelcost savingover6 monthsButwhat ispurchase price !
Jun 2, 7:33pm
Cannot find that out Sorry . The figures they quote on their web site have errors in them and do not forget that commercial boats get fuel discounts here on petrol .
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