sw20, May 16, 3:39am
It will be in bits already. Sorry.

moosie_21, May 16, 3:42am
In under 24 hours! Thieves aren't really known for their get-up and go attitude.

According to recent crime stats, there's a 1 in 5 chance of finding the f&#^%# who stole it, so don't give up hope.

andrea_w, May 16, 3:44am
Here is a pic

A thread was made on SDU yesterday about this car.
Stolen from Antigua st, late afternoon around 3-5pm
matte black
17x9.5 drifteks
Rb25 conversion

Good luck finding it mate! hopefully the thieves are caught and severely dealt with. then handed over to the police

deviant.s, May 16, 3:59am
Probably just went on a joy ride, it will turn up on the side of the road somewhere.

moosie_21, May 16, 4:52am
All these stolen vehicle threads REALLY put me off ever owning a performance Nissan.