'Road rage' driver banned

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countrypete, Jun 13, 4:02pm
The cyclist stated that he had tried to squirt the driver through his open window.Who suffered from rage!

redhead96, Jun 13, 4:12pm
Stupidity on both sides. Probably helped the guy to get off without conviction not just because of his job.
Plus look at NZ Heralds swipeside today picture of cyclists taking over the road.

flack88, Jun 13, 4:15pm
The lycra bandits would have been blocking the road,four a breast betcha,road rules dont apply to them.

dr.doolittle, Jun 13, 4:22pm
Cyclists dont usually squirt cars at random.

richardmayes, Jun 13, 4:40pm
Good to see he was convicted.

Yes the cyclists can be very trying at times, I'm sure there was a reason the driver "become infuriated." But there are responsibilities that come with driving on the roads. It's your job to stay calm and in control. That's why they don't let 12-year-olds have driving licenses.

If you can't be the bigger person in a situation like that you shouldn't be on the road.

a.woodrow, Jun 13, 4:43pm
He wasn't convicted he was disqualified

tonyrockyhorror, Jun 13, 4:46pm
He wasn't convicted.

footplate1, Jun 13, 4:55pm
They are a total pain on Tamakl Drive - to other cyclists, pedestrians and cars.And the same in the streets of Kohimarama and St Heliers.

richardmayes, Jun 13, 5:02pm
Convicted, disqualified. stop getting all legalistic with me!

He was judged to have done something wrong. that's what I meant.

tonyrockyhorror, Jun 13, 5:05pm
There, fixed it for ya!

trogedon, Jun 13, 5:06pm
Evans was in a ???small group??? on a narrow road. They??

richardmayes, Jun 13, 5:06pm
I remember on weekday mornings you used to get gaggles of 30-40 of them along Tamaki Dr. often with an X5 or a Q7 running along behind at 30km/h with its hazards flashing, as some kind of "safety car" to make absolutely sure they blocked the entire lane not just half of it.

The old Triumph used to make a MAGNIFICENT noise overtaking them in second gear. Eat blue oil smoke, pillocks.

trogedon, Jun 13, 5:10pm
The problem with the photois what! They're riding two abreast as they have a legal right to. The woman just needs to wait for a safe place to pass as she would have to with any slower vehicle.

trogedon, Jun 13, 5:12pm
Instead of doing something about them like making a formal complaint you just come on here and moan. That's really productive for other motorists isn't it!!

dr.doolittle, Jun 13, 5:12pm
cool story bro.
(richardmayes )

richardmayes, Jun 13, 5:19pm
I think it's because secretly I relished the opportunity to legitimately overtake someone in town.

trogedon, Jun 13, 5:20pm
"Triumph overtakes late model Euro SUV" - now there's a headline!

richardmayes, Jun 13, 5:21pm
It's a lot more fun driving a slow car quickly.

tonyrockyhorror, Jun 13, 5:25pm
The problem with it is this: lack of consideration for other road users. They could ride single file, which would be considerate. Forget Mr Wheeler. now it's Mr Pedaler.

trogedon, Jun 13, 5:28pm
They could've but they didn't and didn't have to. The problem is the woman is impatient.

friendly_prawn, Jun 13, 5:43pm
I do a little riding now and again myself but more often than not I ride on the footpath when out on my bike. . Riding on the road you do take you life in to your own hands literally.
I struck a bunch of cyclists riding in a mob the other day that all pushed out in front of me where a couple of roads merged leaving me no where to go.
STupid on their part, its their lives they are playing with. If they had had enough brains to go single or even double file then it wouldnt have been an issue. Then one of the whiney voiced ignorant fools had the nerve to start screaming and shouting like a little school girl.No wonder road rage happens. It does get hard to bite your tounge some times and stay calm when you have idiots like this on the road.
just of interest Danny Watson the radio announcer said the first time he got hit, he thought it was an accident. The second time he thought it couldnt happen again. The third time he got knocked off his bike he said he gave up bike riding for life. dont matter who is right or wrong, car vs bike, car weighs a hell of a lot more.

trogedon, Jun 13, 5:48pm
All factions of society have their idiots and unfortunately you met some of them.

johnf_456, Jun 13, 5:58pm
I haven't seen the picture, but you think riding 2 abreast is legal! There is just no hope for us drivers that get held up by these people on narrow roads. One cyclist is bad enough let alone 2!

johnf_456, Jun 13, 6:00pm
+1 I guess its the case of just me, myself and I for some people. We all have to share the road so be considerate of other road users cyclists.

trogedon, Jun 13, 6:02pm
Its legal but not on windy roads. A little toot will help riders to move over.