Fog lights a no-no in clear conditions, day or nig

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bucephalus, Jun 11, 8:14pm
I use my rear fog lights to get douches who follow too closely to back off. Works like a charm.

esprit, Jun 11, 8:20pm

You may fit additional main beam headlamps (driving lamps) as long as you don??

phillip.weston, Jun 11, 8:22pm
^^ probably the only good use for rear fog lamps, though even more douchier are people who turn them on at all times, or don't realise they come on with the front fog lamps also. I tend to just high beam those people.

tonyrockyhorror, Jun 11, 8:22pm
Incorrect. They must only be used in specific conditions.!

tonyrockyhorror, Jun 11, 8:23pm

esprit, Jun 11, 8:23pm
Only time when I use mine (other than fog) is when I've been following some douchenozzle for 30 minutes in his pov-spec BMW 320 with his rear fogs blinding me. If I get past him I'll usually return the favour by driving in front of him with my fogs burning brightly.

I get the feeling with fog lights is that people figure "I've paid for them, I may as well use them". I think it also comes from a time when it was "prestigious" to have fog/spot lights as only the top-line luzury models had them. In the last 20 years though, they're regulated so pretty much every car has them.

bucephalus, Jun 11, 8:33pm
esprit is right on the money! It's definitely a eurotrash thing having the rears on all the time. The fronts just say I'm an idiot with a sense of entitlement. You see it a lot on the Shore.

tonyrockyhorror, Jun 11, 8:52pm
I like the cut of your jib!

smac, Jun 11, 8:52pm
I know what the rules are, I'm wanting to know where in the legislation it says what you say it says.

TRH is closer, with the VIRM, but that is still not the legal definition.

My point was, as far as the legislation is concerned, there are rules for headlights, and position lamps, fog, stop, indicators, daytime running et

But driving lamps, spot lights etc are just terms people make up as suits. It's disappointing to see the use of the terms is coming so commonplace they now insert them (bracketed) into the actual definitions so people know what they're on about.

elect70, Jun 11, 8:54pm
Funnydont recall anylaw saying cant drive with fog lights onif there is no fog . .in daytime .What difference does it make ,jeez some people moan abouttrivial things .Everstopped behind a new Merctheir brake lights so bright its dazzl;ing .

smac, Jun 11, 8:59pm
It's linked above.

pauldw, Jun 11, 9:18pm
What vehicle do you drive! If your seating position is higher than a sedan you may be missing the worst of the annoyance.

tazcsv, Jun 11, 9:23pm
My landcruiser fogs dont turn off so when the headlights are on the fogs are on. Always passes wofs like this. I have a bigger problem with idiots driving with just there park lights on at dusk/dawn.

pauldw, Jun 11, 9:24pm
As in the Interpretation section of the Road User Rule
"main-beam headlamp means a headlamp designed to illuminate the road over a long distance ahead of a vehicle; and includes a driving lamp and any main-beam lamp that complies with a vehicle standard for headlamps specified in Schedule 1 of Land Transport Rule 32005: Vehicle Lighting 2004"

smac, Jun 11, 9:42pm
Exactly, they're all headlamps, not some special thing all of their own with different rules.

tonyrockyhorror, Jun 11, 10:57pm
There's a difference between main, dipped, and fog in the legislation.

smac, Jun 11, 10:58pm

tonyrockyhorror, Jun 12, 12:04am
Which contradicts:

clark20, Jun 12, 2:17am
And adding to the fog lamps are daytime running lights which don't turn off when the headlamps are on

gammelvind, Jun 12, 2:33am
Frankly I can live with driving with fogs or daytime running lights on, don't see the issue with it. I drive a dangerous goods vehicle all day and drive with the dipped headlights. Read somewhere that you are 40% less likely to have someone pull out in front of you, and that was good enough for me.
What I do get annoyed with are the morons who drive at dawn and dusk with their park/sidelights on, they really are a worry.

tonyrockyhorror, Jun 12, 6:57am
Yeah, I wrote that and was having a laugh.

But seriously, 40% less than one occasion in how many!

richardmayes, Jun 12, 4:59pm
I knew a guy who always drove everywhere with his headlights on because "people pull out in front of me less". I thought yeah, yeah, whatever, we all get a little bit of that occasionally.

Then one day he got me to drive his car across town for some reason (dark green Pug 306) and it was just mind-blowing. Talk about walking a mile in somebody's shoes. Retard after retard would pull out of side streets right in front of me. Half way thru the trip I remembered his thing about the headlights, and switched them on. No more problem.

I don't know what it was about the Pug that made a disproportionate amount of drivers fail to give way to it. Maybe because it's a small, dull-coloured car with hardly any bright shiny stuff on the front of it, so some people subconsciously just notice it less.

Maybe it just lacks that look that says "I'm a car. Yes I really am a car, and I'm coming thru at full speed. Give way to me like you're supposed to."

smac, Jun 12, 5:55pm
Nope. The point was that most of the things that people go on about having (spot lights, driving lights, headlights) etc are all the same thing when it comes to the law, and that law says how many of those bright shiny things you can have at the front, pointing forward. I think whatever point I was trying to make has been overshadowed/confused by whatever other points people are trying to make here.I dunno what they are now.

smac, Jun 12, 5:58pm
We have the same issue - dark green Astra, and also the mini. Both get ignored by drivers at intersections. If I am travelling on the open road I have the headlights on, and yes it's a measurable difference in other driver's behaviour.

When this was discussed on this board a while back, somebody complained about headlights on during the day because it made the car (with the lights) look like they were closer than they actually are. Sometimes I worry about the gene pool.

tonyrockyhorror, Jun 12, 6:12pm
They're not the same thing when it comes to the law. Dipped beam, main beam, fog, DRL & cornering are very different and have different rules.