We are looking at buying one, understand they have a bad rep and are thirsty but would love to hear from anyone who owns or has owned one! thanks
Jun 8, 10:12pm
avoid it like the titanic should have avoided the iceberg.
Jun 8, 10:15pm
Yuk, drove one, they're bad.
Jun 8, 10:22pm
ford exploder
Jun 8, 11:25pm
Don't do it.
I could spend the rest of my night typing up everything that goes wrong with them if you wish.
Jun 9, 1:07am
I really am steering more towards territory but hubby likes the explorer,we have just sold our people mover and would like to still have spare seats! under 20k is all we have to spend so its looking like explorer has anyone got anything good to say about them lol
Jun 9, 1:12am
Yep, I've got something good to say about them, they kept us well busy at work (mechanics workshop) and kept plenty of money rolling in the door. Don't do it to yourselves
Jun 9, 2:06am
You need to be steering a bit harder. There is only one reason that you would buy one and thats if you wanted to have a V8 as an option, which the Terri doesn't have. The Explorers of that model were a big improvement on the previous but that doesn't make them a good buy sadly.
Jun 9, 2:09am
The Territory 6's are quicker then the Explorer V8's anyway.
If you go Territory route, try to get a SY Model territory, or SYII at best if you can find one in your price range. Fix a few niggly issues that the SX Territories had.
Jun 9, 2:25am
we've had the 06 territiory for 6 months ,love it ,7 seater, plenty power, auto, pleasure to drive. gothe territory.
Jun 9, 2:46am
Had an 02 v8 and now an 06 v8, The transmission went at 91k on the 06 so that was $4500 the last owner paid. I havnt done anything major. Runs fine, handles ok for its size. Fuel thirst is about $130 fill for 400kms round town just cruising and will do a little over 550km outa town. you can see the needle go down if you thrash it. If you do get one get a mechanical warrenty with it. Think carefully.
Jun 9, 3:02am
I worked for a ford dealer until 2006, they are nothing but trouble and costly to fix. We nicknamed them the ford exploders for good reasons!
Jun 9, 3:23pm
he read all this but still wants lol oh well, i'll drive it and stay out of the mechanical side of things!
Jun 9, 4:04pm
I bought a new one in 97 and sold it by 25,000km. Mate bought a pre-loved one at 50,000km and spent $5k (timing tensioners etc) on major repairs before it got to 100,000km.
Jun 9, 5:40pm
You will need to easily budget another $10k at least for repairs on it. Can't say we didn't warn you!
We still get them come in at work, and most of the time they end up choosing to trade in for a new vehicle cause it just isn't economical to repair
Jun 10, 1:44am
have had three of them and a territory in-between don't get the six the eight was far more reliable and just as economical had a fantastic run out of both our eight went from one to a territory and couldn't get back to one fast enough thats why they stopped bring them in a friend did the same thing
Jun 10, 1:50am
They stopped making RHD versions with the next model change
Jun 10, 2:07am
Get him to read this."IDIOT"
Jun 10, 3:15am
lol i like them too, we sell them at work, but yea they are expensive to fix when something breaks, but i guess thats part of owning something you love ;-) good luck,
Jun 10, 4:22am
So you are saying you prefered the explorer over the territory! interesting the things people are saying, I have enquired about them (to people that own them) and they are quite happy with theirs so I guess people are only seeing and hearing the bad things and not the good
Jun 10, 5:11am
I only know cause I work on them everyday at work Ted. There is a lot of problems and known faults with them. Some people might strike the lucky one but generally it's not good. I've seen them come in with the whole A-Pillar filled with TSB Stickers - thats just the official recalls under warranty. There really isn't anything spectacular about them, and they cost a lot to maintain and when something does go wrong its big $$$
Jun 10, 5:16am
a fool and their money are soon parted.
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