$5k will struggle to buy a GOOD 4wd that doesnt need heaps spent on it.
that said, good deals come along too,
Jun 9, 3:01pm
I spent $2k on a 95 3.1L bighorn, that needed rear brake pads and a windscreen. Wide rims and new mud tyres were fitted next, and I still had change out of 5 grand.
Was it a hard deal to find! no.
3 years later and it has cost me nothing more than a radiator repair.
Jun 9, 3:08pm
i've tried doing things on the cheap,it never ends up cheap, and you usually end up unhappy.
Jun 9, 4:11pm
yeh ive been trauling through trademe for the past week, i know what options are out there but just want some advice on whats best bang for buck or which to stay away from. Im a panelbeater so i dont mind minor repairs now and then but i dont want to be sinking alot of money into it. Ive driven and worked on all models but im leaning towards the pajero or vitara. Im undecided really what i want to do at this stage. buy a cheap 4x4 for some fun or drop 10k on a semi decent car. Im thinking more for having fun now and maybe look for something nicer next year when i know what i want to do. A car and mountain bike dont appeal lol. So. maybe a 3500k pajero/ 1k on mud tyres and maybe 1k for a spring lift if i really get into it was what i was thinking. And not really looking for anything older than 91/92
Also to add to that. offroad capability. i had a Mazda Proceed Marvey once upon a time and that was an absolute p.o.s all round but particularly offroad. Absolutely useless. My mates swb Pajero 3.5 goes hard, good offroad. Another reason im leaning towards a Pajero
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