Caldina Front Brakes

miff44, Jun 4, 5:23pm
Recently purchased a 97 Caldina ZE 2L Auto, front brakes have shudder when applied, inspected and pads are fine but noticed the rotors on these are not actually attached to anything, they are just kept in place by the pads/calliper assembly. Has anyone had problems with these, I'm assuming the rotors being the design they are cause the issue and perhaps even warp over time!

kazbanz, Jun 4, 5:56pm
Sorry miff but think through what you posted--if the disk/rotor isnt held by anything then itll fly off. ITs actually held in place by the wheel studs.
But yep the first step would be to machine the disks

miff44, Jun 4, 6:12pm
what i meant was the rotor is not bolted on, yes its mounted on the studs but surely this leaves room for play in the disc!

therafter1, Jun 4, 7:04pm
Not unless the wheel nuts are loose no ! . as Kaz said, start with machining the rotors.