Where is distributor on toyota cavalier?

livewire13, Jul 13, 7:38pm
the car has just stopped

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 13, 7:46pm
Not really living up to your username, are you.

desmodave, Jul 13, 7:48pm
If your lucky there may be 1 on the end of your spark plug lead .

matarautrader, Jul 13, 7:50pm
Most Toyota Cavalier distributers can be found at the recyclers

taipan4, Jul 13, 8:12pm
haha or in Detroit where they were made by GMC chev

andyb2, Jul 13, 8:30pm
the ignition module and bits are under a cover on the top middle of engine. This is a truly horrible arrangement. This is well known for faults i.e. cutting out on 1 or more pots. Good luck !

mugenb20b, Jul 13, 8:31pm
I hope so! Now go and buy a new car.

elect70, Jul 13, 10:33pm
drop match in petrol tankthat willget it going to its natural home

807, Jul 13, 11:20pm
.not a good idea to post Cavalier messages here!

andrea_w, Jul 13, 11:44pm
If you're not capable of finding a basic item such as a distributor in an engine bay, I don't hold much hope of you fixing the problem once you do find the distributor.
What makes you think the distributor is at fault anyway! There are a large number of things that can stop an engine working. and ALL of those are highly likely because it's a Cavalier.

elect70 has good advice, just make sure there is only a litre or two of petrol in there. the more room for petrol fumes the better :D

dent, Jul 14, 12:10am
they dont have a distributor.

camper2, Jul 14, 12:34am
look under back bumper.

texastwo, Jul 14, 12:39am
Actualy you answered the question in your title.Toyota,

tgray, Jul 14, 1:40am
There is a reason 1996-98 models are worth $1500

carkitter, Jul 14, 3:44am
They are worthless than that.

andrewph, Jul 14, 7:59am
Lets hope the waterpump doesnt give out. thats a job and a half.

wind.turbine, Jul 17, 4:04am
dont talk about water pumps and a cavalier!
i got a wof at vtnz.
it failed as i (dont know how) lost the fuel cap :o
but anyway I went looking round town.went to 3 wreckers and they had nothing.
went to Toyota they told me to go to Holden,
went to Holden and they told me to go to Toyota GERRR!
walked out of Holden to find water leaking out.the pump had gone.
so I limped it home only to find when i tried to find what had blown that the right frond CV boot was ripped to threads!
since when does a CV boot do that unless it gets pinched in or if it is perished and normally they will not pass the wof if they are perished.
VTNZ never again!
about $700 to fix the lot

strobo, Jul 17, 12:15pm
The joys of motoring aye lol

wind.turbine, Jul 17, 12:55pm
not to mention the fuel pump has gone.
only problem is that i have bought a new 1 only now to see that it was for a toyota cavalier 1999 not a 98 like mine.
I have tried looking around to see if they are the same but do not know.
does anyone know if they are the same!

intrade, Jul 17, 3:18pm
its not a toyota its a pile of crap made in america bring it to the metal crusher and buy someting else but not a mitsubisheap they are as bad as cavaliers.

gadgit3, Jul 17, 3:33pm
Now to answer the question. Like most moden cars they run a crank and cam sensor so there is no dizzy on the engine

sas777, Jul 17, 9:39pm
I don't get this Toyota Cavalier thing - was told they were Japanese imports from the States with just a Toyota badge, as some kind of trade deal with GM. If that's the case, why did GM not supply the far superior Vauxhall Cavalier or Opal Vectra!
I had a Vauxhall Cavalier in mid-nineties, would be around 8 years old with a lot of miles on the clock. It never broke down or fell apart and was a good cheap car to run.