try looking at the back of a navara when you apply the brakes they have the most flexible chassis known to man, unladen they can pop a leg up like a territorial dog
Jul 7, 3:13am
WHAT!IVVYMCMVFP'OIT,VJKPUV- MO3K,.NCZ XL;IONow that made more sense.People should not drink and type.
Jul 7, 3:14am
spluttering in confusion huh you're too used to getting your own way lad
Jul 7, 3:16am
Yea it because they made the chassis out of rubber.This was later to be found to be to weak so the model after that was made solely out of silly putty.
Jul 7, 3:17am
and you obviously have no idea what the original issue was about either
Jul 7, 3:19am
Oh i see tell the dog to stand on the side thats not gripping to add a bit of weight,after all it was his fault.
Jul 7, 3:21am
No I think i know,but you still have this anti dog thing going.
Jul 7, 3:23am
like a spoilt child hornnett, even when confronted with his own foolishness still feigns innocence and attempts to ridicule the other by splitting hairs, or anything to divert attention away you'll have to try harder than that baby
Jul 7, 3:28am
quote"why not advise them to drop the rears to 15psi, thats all we used to do, give it a chance to grip them"There is some gripping going on but it not the
Jul 7, 3:32am
quote" ridicule the other by splitting hairs"Ok I bet its dog hairs thats now causing the problem,gee were you bitten as a young in!
Jul 7, 3:32am
you are just too clever for me sweetheart, I give up and beg your forgiveness
be proud, and don't forget to gloat
Jul 7, 3:35am
Gee for a split second i thought you wrote goat my bad.
Jul 7, 3:37am
Hey you dont mind if I follow you around a bit tonite i think a pissed you might be fun.
Jul 7, 3:37am
well as you are never wrong, I probably did
Jul 7, 3:43am
I dont think the letter A is working on your keyboard try again.
Jul 7, 3:53am
isnt there a rubber boot on back of hub you can remove look in with torch should be adjuster / rachet type cog
Jul 7, 7:40am
steve98h wrote: you will have to remove rear drums and check linings and wheel cylinders. biggest mistake diy people make when adjusting rear brake is you must deadjust the handbrake cable first. clean out the dust from the brakes and lightly rub the shoes with emery tape to remove the classing on the linings, also do this to the inside of the drum. refit drums and wheels. the get a small flat head screw driver and insert through the adjustingslot in the backing plate and turn the adjuster wheel. keep turning the wheel and adjusting it until you kan hear the shoes just starting to contact the drums. press the brake pedal 2 or 3 times to centralise the shoes and check the adjustment again and readjust if need be. once you have both sides adjusted correctly then you can adjust the handbrake cable. once adjusted the handbrake lever shound come up about 5 to 7 clicks.
Any dentists out there!Im in the middle of a DIY filling and need help on how you do it.
Jul 7, 7:55am
my was a tyre with a bulge in it that was unbalanced readings couldnt see the bulge until a few months later could try changing the tyres round as well and they said they could check the reading a few times before charging for a recheck at any vtnz doesnt have to be the one you went to
Jul 7, 8:24am
hornnett sounds like a richard head
Jul 7, 3:42pm
gee get it right if you are going to use that, its richard CRANIUM.
Jul 7, 3:45pm
First mistake of the amateur,when things go wrong start fiddling,how about lets find whats caused the problem then repair that.
Jul 7, 6:10pm
20 post out of 49, and you haven't contributed anything pertaining to the OP yet!
sounds about par for you actually
Jul 7, 6:12pm
For once I agree. Get the drums off and find out what's wrong in there.If it's unbalanced there has to be something wrong - it wont just be an adjustment.Brakes work on hydraulic pressure so no matter how far a shoe has to move once it contacts the drum the pressure on both sides must be the same.
Jul 7, 6:48pm
Might as simple as lack of use and a good hard work out of the breaks including the handbreak might even things out .
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