Lol my brother is a bit of a muppet, he had a few 20L containers of diesel in the boot of his d21 Terrano and one tipped over. He has lost approx 15L through the interior floor of his truck. The front carpet by the pedals is soaking, if you touch it you get diesel all over your fingers. Any ideas or rip it all out and replace!
Jul 6, 8:09pm
O darn.
Jul 6, 8:13pm
Payment for handling the devil's fuel !Will be new carpet sorry.
Jul 6, 8:35pm
Ouch, I think he may be looking at an insurance claim on that one!
Jul 6, 8:36pm
The last time I looked into prices for carpet for cars they were surprisingly cheap.
Jul 6, 8:45pm
Go to the wreckers & find a similar model and strip the carpet interior - with 15L's of diesel spilt inside the vehicle there's probably some still pooling in the frame!
Jul 6, 9:25pm
take the carpet out, set it on fire and atleast you got a second use out of it lol, it will keep u warm while u find a new carpet.
Jul 6, 9:45pm
Darn, can't even use a wet&dry vaccy on that stuff Remove seats Lay lots of old rags on the floor & walk all over it Remove rags & carpet More rags & more walking & scrubbing Remove rags Mix up a strong commercial detergent & gently wash that whole floor area
you are going to NEED to get all that fuel out because come summer time, it's going to STINK & could cause a few "nose" problems at wof time
Jul 6, 9:46pm
Then off to the wreckers for s/h carpets Diesels a biarch to get out of cloth completely
Jul 7, 4:00am
Can the commercial carpet cleaner people help at all!I say you will have to remove the carpet to get all the diesel out of the frame but once the carpet is out maybe it could be cleaned!2nd hand carpet probably fairly cheep as wounldnt think there would be a lot of demand and here appears to be lots of D21's in the wreckers.
Jul 7, 4:06am
Talk to your insurance company
Jul 7, 4:08am
Beehive plus 5 litres of 91.
Jul 7, 4:13am
water blaster and dishwash, comes up good as new, experience talking here, navara ute kingcab, bottles inside to avoid having to tie them down, works on the seat scabs too, takes a couple of days to dry the water out of them though
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