Help changing tail lights on Nissan Micra

master-trader, Jun 16, 7:06pm
Helping someone change the bulbs on a Nissan Micra.
Has anyone done this before ! From havinga look at it it's done by removing the screws that are on the outside of the boot frame (i.e you DO NOT need to go in through the actual boot itself.)

I had a quick go before but they seem pretty firmly stick in place even after the 2 screws were removed. I didnt want to use excessive force and actually ruin the tail light casing and wodnered if there were any tips or tricks associated with getting these particular casings out so I can access the bulbs !

kazbanz, Jun 16, 7:28pm
The tailights are held in by 2 6mm bolts and one pop in clip.
Undoo the two bolts. The clip is a round peg located 75mm from the top of the tailight on the outside edge.
I use soft plastic levers to pop the clip knowing where it is but I guess a screwdriver wrapped in a rag wouldn't damage the paint.

master-trader, Jun 16, 8:08pm
thanks.I didnt see the clip.I take it you mean 75mm down from the top of the tailight and not 75mm above! Sorry stupid question I know but I'm just trying to envisage it as the car isn't here at the moment.