2004 Legacy - Warning Lights

boysie8, Jul 15, 5:09pm
I have owned my 2004 3.0R B4 Legacy for around 6 months with no real issues, but after a 40-minute drive in heavy rain this morning the check-engine, traction control and cruise control lights started flashing. I also noticed a slight pulsing in power (barely noticeable) for around 20 minutes before the lights came up.

Has anyone had this issue, or know what it may be! I plan on getting a diognostic report, but thought I'd try to find some free info first :p

Thanks, Mike

hondalova, Jul 16, 12:20am
sounds a bit like alternator related. best to get it checked at auto sparkie.

jinx317, Jul 16, 1:28am
My guess would be air/fuel ratio sensor, need to have the engine scanned to check fault codes, the sensors arent cheap around the $600 mark + GST

neo_psy, Jul 16, 1:34am
Quick way would be go to a dealer and get them to scan the error codes. You can probably do it yourself if you google it.

bigfatmat1, Jul 16, 1:55am
sounds like a fault in traction control/abs system as above for a more accurate diagnossis codes will need to be read

tinker1, Jul 17, 3:29am
Yep take it to an auto sparky or someone with scan tool and more than likely an air/fuel ratio sensor.